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Performing Live with Jack,Qsynth, and Bristol Organ

56 bytes added, 13:24, 27 January 2011
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:* Followed instructions to make my Tascam US122 device work with my netbook: [ [] ]<br /><br />
* I did some additional cosmetics of the appearance of my Gnome Desktop like running the Avant Window Navigator (docking panel appearance like Mac OSX), and remove the "old-style" gnome-panels. Here is a resource that I created to help: [ [[Replacing Panels with Docking Station (awn)]] ]<br /><br />
* Now you have Ubuntu Studio on your machine. Here are some guides that I have written to help you get started(even performing some basic recording sessions). This is assuming that you are using the Tascam US122 usb interface:
:* [ [[Quick & Simple - Setting up Jack Server and Q-synth]] ]
:* [ [[Quick & Simple - Recording With Audacity]] ]
:* [ ]

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