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Supporting Architectures above armv5tel

315 bytes added, 19:51, 22 December 2010
[0.1] Optimize and run a benchmark program specifically designed to make use of glibc
My fellow classmate, a great and helpful guy working on the [ To Thumb or Not to Thumb Project]. We both have the same project objective; to test the significance of armv7 codes benchmark a system. (his project deals with 16-bit codes) and we We share access to the test builder cdot-beagleXM-0-3. and even ran tests both at the same time that could have toasted it! Tyler helped me out with with scripting/'makefiles' and using 'screen'.</blockquote>
== Project Details ==
'''rpm -q glibc'''<br />
<blockquote>glibc-2.11-2.fa3.armv5tel(Subjected for upgrade to armv7)</blockquote>
== Project Plan ==
 [[Image:graph.png|thumb|450px|right| A graph showing the overall system performance of cdot-beagleXM-0-3]]  '''Test Result(in DMIPS):'''<br /> Normal = 758.869322709 DMIPS<br />Optimized for armv5tel = 1034.82179852 DMIPS<br />Optimized for armv7 = 1034.82179852 DMIPS<br /> 
[[Image:graph.png|widthpx| ]]
*Normal = 758.869322709 DMIPS
*Optimized for armv5tel = 1034.82179852 DMIPS
*Optimized for armv7 = 1034.82179852 DMIPS<br />
The benchmark graph shows that optimization increased the overall performance of cdot-beagleXM-0-3 by '''36%'''(Normal run vs. Optimized for armv5tel/armv7). The results for both armv5tel and armv7 optimizations are the same. (It can be assumed that the armv5tel glibc impacts the performance of C library dependent programs such as Dhrystone). Another possible reason is that the compiler used is already armv7 optimized (since dhrystone also relies on the compiler efficiency) The data gathered can be used as a reference for conducting 0.2 project release.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
===[0.2] Install an armv7 glibc and re-run the benchmark using dhrystone===
== Project News ==
''December 16th, 2010'' - [0.2] and [0.3] Release updatedand finalized
''December 15th, 2010'' - Added the [ Dhrystone How to Page]