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Weekly Schedule 20103 - OOP344C

103 bytes added, 08:06, 20 December 2010
To Do
*:# Your blog
* Study for Quiz This week & next week
* Next Week Midterm Test
* Fill [ The Team Self Evaluation From] on a computer, print and hand it in when doing the midterm test.
* write void printBits(unsigned int) shortest way possible.
=== This Week ===
* Midterm test on Tuesday
* Namespaces
* Linked list
=== To Do ===
* Prj 0.5 is due
*: Fully functional object oriented framework for the application
=== Resources ===
* [ November 5th IRC Meeting Transcript]
== Week 10 - Nov 07==
=== To Do ===
<!--* Nov 28, 23:59, Prj 0.6 is due
*: The full object oriented frame work of the application -->
=== Resources ===
=== To Do ===
* Prj 1.0 due.
*: Final release of application is due.
=== Resources ===
* Exam preparation
=== To Do ===
* Dec 12, 23:59, Prj 0.6 due.
*: Final release of application is due.
=== Resources ===