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PostgreSQL Adapter-nexj/schema-test

561 bytes added, 12:00, 10 December 2010
Modifying Syntax
<source lang=java>
/* MySQL version of creating table script */create table test.AccountRangeTest( id binaryint auto_increment not null, s varchar(1) character set utf8 null, bin varbinary(161) not null, contactId binary n int null, n1 tinyint unsigned null, l bigint null, "DEC" decimal(1610,5) not null, f float null, d double null, tm datetime null, b boolean null, constraint Account_PK RangeTest_PK primary key(id) )ENGINEengine=InnoDB CHARACTER SETcharacter set =utf8; // PostgreSQL version with no ENGINE and CHARACTER
<source lang=java>
/* PostgreSQL version of creating table script */
reate table test.RangeTest(
id integer not null, s text null, bin bytea null,
n integer null, n1 smallint null, l bigint null, "DEC" decimal(10,5) null,
f double precision null, d double precision null, tm timestamp null, b boolean null,
constraint RangeTest_PK primary key(id)
:<code> crateTextTable </code>
::The implementation in <code> crateTextTable </code> in file '''' is removed for now (base class's version is being called).

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