→Meeting 2 Notes
== Project Marking Percentage ==
Group work: xx40% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: xx60% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
=== Repo path ===
=== Trunk Status ===
committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]Carl
== Workflow ==
We will control our own branches off the project trunk. There you will implement your new code in a bug free environment. Code will then be submitted to trunk bug free, and all branches will be updated to trunk revision.
=== ToDo ===
* Sasha & Denny work to create a world this will be a hallway for now
* Carl & Dave : create movement in the custom objects, camera viewpoint around actor. Jump for now., finalize jump, custom start menu
=== Milestones ===
- Add custom objects
<s>- Create movement in actor and jump</s><br/><s>- Actor can "barrel roll" mid jump</s>
<s>- Camera orientation around actor</s>
- Implement collision detection with actor and world
* Divide responsibilities so that one team member's work is not dependent on an others.
** two members could work on walls, while other two work on getting a box to jump
== Meeting 2 Notes ==
* We need to implement collision
* We need to have a minimap in our game
* We need to add textures for our objects
* We need to have models
* We need to improve on lighting
* We need to have our sounds and music
* We might implement DirectInput