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FSOSS 2010 Plug Computing Workshop

114 bytes removed, 22:31, 7 November 2010
Getting the Root Filesystem Image
== Getting the Root Filesystem Image ==
# Check that the file <code>rootfs-f12.tar.bz2</code> is in your Downloads directory (go to the menu option Places>Downloads). If not, download Download and save this file:
== Copying the rootfs to the microSD Card ==
To connect to your plug over the network, you'll need to connect to the computer managing the GuruPlug cluster, which is named "HongKong".
# Connect to HongKong: <code>ssh -XC ''nameOfYourPlug''</code> -- for example, if your GuruPlug is <code>cdot-guru-2-3</code>, then connect with <code>ssh -XC cdot-guru-2-3@hongkong</code> (password is "fsoss10")
# Connect to your plug fron HongKong: <code>ssh root@''nameOfYourPlug''</code> (password is "fedoraarm")
# Check the message of the day (printed after you log in) to be sure you have connected to the right GuruPlug.

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