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Team Mutalisk

622 bytes added, 19:56, 5 November 2010
Trunk Status: Added importing meshes message.
committed by Hasan
== Messages ==
=== UPDATE: Nov. 5, Importing meshes from a file now ready ===
Mesh importing has now been implemented through the CreateMesh() method. To use it, '''#include "iMesh.h"''' and call '''CreateMesh("filename.obj", Colour somecolour);'''
'''CreateMesh:''' This function creates and returns the address of a new iObject object (in reality a Mesh object, descending from Object). The model file is expected to reside in resources/models (resources resides in the same directory as 15-Controller). Like other objects, set the Colour to whatever you want to multiply the model's texture by that colour.
= Team Members =

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