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User:Minooz/Tasks/Fall Sep 2010

1,840 bytes added, 09:48, 1 October 2010
Week 4
==Week 2==
* Mon - 13
: 1Read some documentation for NexJ Express, Java application Server, JBoss, Servlet and JSP: Looked at adding some features and bundles(Mylyn, Mercurial, Studio, Bugzilla) to Eclipse
* Tue - 14
: 2Installed Mercurial on Eclipse, practiced a google code demo: Learned XML: Read about Mylyn and Bugzilla
* Wed - 15
: 3Learned more about Mylyn and how to use it along with Bugzilla
* Thur - 16
: 4Installed Mylyn on Eclipse: Installed CodeBeamer Eclipse Studio: Worked with Task Repositories and Task list: Read some documentation for CodeBeamer
* Fri - 17
: 5Practiced with CodeBeamer: Blogged about the process of adding plugins to Eclipse: Read about NexJ Developing Conventions: Read through NexJ studio fundamentals
==Week 3==
* Mon - 20
: 1Learnt about JDBC: Downloaded the NexJ code to my system : Reviewed half of the Persistence Tutorial Videos
* Tue - 21
: 2Reviewed the rest of Persistence Tutorial Videos: Installed MySQL: Walked through the NexJ persistence code
* Wed - 22
: 3Walked through the NexJ Express and related classes: Read about Procedures, Transactions, Triggers: Read about differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL
* Thur - 23
: 4Meeting with NexJ: Working on Mercurial - TortoiseHg
* Fri - 24
: 5Built the NexJ Express Core : Learnt working with Ant build files: Working a bit with MySQL (command-line) ==Week 4==* Mon - 27: Meeting with NexJ (Greg Fenton).: He defined the requirements of a script to transfer change-sets from Internal Repo to the External Repo on Mercurial.: Worked on the documentation of the Mercurial script * Tue - 28:  * Wed - 29: Worked on the documentation of the Mercurial script: Searched about Mercurial and how to trim history from a repository: Practiced with Hg on Tortoise and Cygwin * Thur - 30: Continued working on the documentation: Installed Mintty to get a better shell to work with Cygwin: Practiced on Mercurial and created the similar environment as what we're going to do in NexJ

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