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OPS235 Bonus Assignment

1,752 bytes added, 13:32, 30 September 2010
Created page with '{{Draft}}Every year, Seneca hosts the [ Free Software and Open Source Symposium] (FSOSS). Several hundred open source developers, leaders, users, and enthusiasts g…'
{{Draft}}Every year, Seneca hosts the [ Free Software and Open Source Symposium] (FSOSS). Several hundred open source developers, leaders, users, and enthusiasts gather for two days of workshops and presentations. You have the opportunity to attend this event without travel and at a very low cost -- a great opportunity!

If you attend FSOSS 2010, you can get a bonus of up to 5% in OPS235. Here's how it works:

# Register for and attend at least the Presentation day of [ FSOSS 2010](Friday of the fall Study Week - October 29).
# Make detailed notes on at least three presentations.
# Write up a detailed report.

* +0% -- If the bonus is not completed or is poorly completed.
* +2.5% -- For a well-written report of 3-5 typed pages plus cover page, including your personal reflections on the event and on three talks.
* +5% -- For a high-quality report which meets these criteria:
** Includes well-written personal reflections on at least three talks and the overall event
** Includes a good excerpt or reflections on a personal conversation with one of the FSOSS presenters
** Includes one or more photographs of the event
** Is posted on [ Planet CDOT] (see [[Planet CDOT Feed List]] and [[Blog Guidelines]] for information on how to post appropriately to Planet CDOT).

To submit your bonus assignment:
* If submitting on paper, physically hand in your report to your professor by Friday, October 5.
* If submitting via a blog post on Planet CDOT, ensure the posting shows on Planet CDOT by Friday, October 5. Hand in a typed sheet of paper containing your name, section, e-mail address, and the URL of your blog post, by Friday, October 5.

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