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Firefox Performance Testing Lab Fall 2010

7,543 bytes added, 15:52, 27 September 2010
no edit summary
== Resources ==
* [ Chrome Experiments]
* [ Results Spreadsheet]. Talk to Dave to get permissions in order to edit.
* [ Firefox (i.e., Minefield) nightly builds]
* [ Chrome (i.e., Chromium) nightly builds]
* [ Example performance bug]
===Misc Info===
One of the questions that comes up a lot when filing these bugs, especially on Windows, is whether or not you have Direct2D (i.e., D2D) or Direct3D (D3D) enabled. The graphics system in Firefox has 3 states related to hardware acceleration:
# no hardware acceleration
# D3D but not D2D
# All hardware acceleration
You can control this using various preferences, which you can change by going to '''about:config''' (type this into your address bar and press enter):
* D3D Layers Preferences
** layers.accelerate-all
** layers.accelerate-none
* Font Rendering
** gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled
* Direct2D
** gfx.direct2d.force-enabled
You can also use built-in Firefox options to toggle hardware acceleration between the "None" and "All" states by (un)checking “Use hardware acceleration when available” in the Advanced section of the Preferences/Options dialog. Alternately, you can run Firefox in safe mode to disable hardware acceleration []. When filing a bug related to hardware acceleration, please include the Graphics card information from '''about:support''' in your browser.
== Tests: Initial First Round ==
Name of Experiment | URL of Experiment | Your Name | Date of Test | Hardware Info | Browser Info | Firefox Performance - Speed | Firefox Performance - Smoothness | Firefox Performance - Responsiveness | Notes and other Details |
(carl) Separate or cumulative results page?
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For each experiment you tested as part of the first-round of testing that was not as fast or faster than Chrome, please create an entry in the table below. Include details about what you are seeing, what is failing, etc. Also, if you need to file a bug, include the link to the bug you filed.
[ Link to Xperf Profiler]<br />
[ MSDN blog detailing how to use xperf results]
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! Test !! Tester !! Problem !! Additional Info <br />
| [ Lorenz 84] || [[User:sbologna|Stephen Bologna]] || In the 32bit version of Minefield on Vista the browser froze for several seconds when the page loaded, and any attempt to interact with the test caused it to freeze again. In the 64bit version of Minefield on Window 7, the page took several minutes to load, and the image was not drawn properly.||
 | [ FlowerPowerGoogle Sphere] || [[User:dacallowsbologna|Kaitlyn CallowStephen Bologna]] ||Overall look in Minefield is very sloppy compared to Chromium. When the 2d text gets close to the screen, it becomes less legible. It also runs slower on Minefield.* Doesn't work on Win32 build from 2010-09-17 10pm (|| Runs fine in Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100917 20100722 Firefox/43.0b7pre). * works in mac fine6.||8
| [ Cheloniidae Live] || [[User:dacallow|Kaitlyn Callow]] || Not running. || Returning error:
| [ Cheloniidae Live]
|| [[User:dacallow|Kaitlyn Callow]]
|| Not running.
|| Returning error:
Error: console is not defined
Source File:
Line: 2
| [ Water Type]
|| [[User:dacallow|Kaitlyn Callow]]
|| MUCH SLOWER in Minefield on school computers. Speeds seems compairable to Chrome on my home computer. At school browser significantly slowed down while viewing this experiment.
|| Not sure which is better, but Chrome looks more blurry or anti-aliased maybe then Mindfield.
| [ Plane Deformations]
|| [[User:dacallow|Kaitlyn Callow]]
|| At school Mindfield is slower, 12fps vs Chrome at 20fps. At home running must faster in Mindfield, 50 fps (25 in Chrome).
| [ BallDroppings]
|| [[User:cwdesautels|Carl D]]
|| far more audio clipping and visual chop when at a 'max' ball drop speed when compared to chrome
| [ Liquid Particles]
|| [[User:Sweerdenburg |Steven Weerdenburg]]
|| Minefield particle dot redraw very slow, manages approx 10 frames/sec|| . Chromium has no delay when rendering particle dot movement. Both have difficulty in letter rendering|| Investigation yields a [ duplicate]
| [ Browser PongAnimated Harmonograph]
|| [[User:Sweerdenburg |Steven Weerdenburg]]
|| Image rendering much slower than on Chromium. Drawing of complex patterns on Minefield would sometimes cause centre to "wobble". CPU utilization seems (near) identical on both.|| Hardware acceleration makes no difference|- | <strike>[ Browser Pong]</strike>|| [[User:Sweerdenburg |Steven Weerdenburg]]|| <strike>Minefield calculates the "ball" window height as twice that of Chromium</strike>|| Seems resolved in latest nightly
| [ Realtime Video->ASCII Conversion]
|| [[User:Sweerdenburg |Steven Weerdenburg]]
|| Seems to have very difficult time at higher "resolutions" (smaller fonts). Scales up in canvas size ok, but becomes unresponsive over prolonged periods (5+ minutes) of use. Handles larger canvas with same resolution better than chrome at default settings.
|| [[User:Kclascon |Kevin Lasconia]]
|| When the cube is rotated in any direction the animation is very choppy. There is also a delay between moving the mouse in one direction and the actual cube moving in that direction.
|| Chrome was very smooth, and responsive. Filed a bug [ here].
|| [[User:Kclascon |Kevin Lasconia]]
|| In Firefox, when more complex objects are generated the spinning animation of the object becomes increasingly more choppy. During transformations the animation would freeze for a few seconds then continue.
|| Chrome did not experience any of Found a bug about the outlined problems abovesame experiment [ here].
| [ Browser BallGravity]
|| [[User:Kclascon |Kevin Lasconia]]
|| There is an issue when multiple windows are spawned This experiment does not work in the Firefox/4.0b7pre nightly build.|| It works fine in Chrome. It also works in Firefox for this experiment3.6. When moving 10, however the ball from objects cannot be dragged around like in Chrome. A bug filed [ here] outlines the main window dragging issues. Did some regression testing to another determine the builds where the ball will get stuckexperiment worked and stopped working. Even when trying Added some additional info to "throw" this bug [ here].|-  | [ Wilderness Downtown]|| [[User:cadecairos |Chris DeCairos]]|| '''NEW''' Minefield crashes on my computer at the ball to another window same point in the song every time! I have had it happen 3 times in a row, my first crash reprot was not sent but two others were. It happens after the first verse.|| see my first [ crash report] and second [ crash report] '''Update''': I've reproduced it again got a [ third crash report] will file bug report once I know exactly what component this is crashing in.also, I would test it on Chrome nightly, but their current build still get stuckcannot play the video at all.Filed a [ Bug]|-  | [ Depth of Field]|| [[User:kpangilinan |Kenneth Pangilinan]]|| Minefield freezes up PC for a few seconds before running. When attempting to move the window around, PC freezes up again.|| Experiment works fine in Chromium, moving the window around is fine as well.|- | [ 3D JS w/ Sandy DX]|| [[User:kpangilinan |Kenneth Pangilinan]]|| Experiment did not load in Minefield or Chromium.|||- | [ JS Voxel Spacing]|| [[User:kpangilinan |Kenneth Pangilinan]]|| In ChromeMinefield it runs at 2-4FPS, in Chromium it runs at 22-24FPS, about 10 times faster!|||- | [ Gear]|| [[User:blaw1 |Brian Law]]|| This experiment is very choppy in Minefield, whereas Chromium runs smoothly. In Minefield you can see arrows in the ball can actually boxes which shouldn't be moved visible.|||- | [ Waterfall]|| [[User:blaw1 |Brian Law]]|| Minefield quickly begins to lag as more balls enter the screen. Chromium will run smoothly for much longer.|||- | [ Pocket Full of Canvas]|| [[User:peleaning |Pete Leaning]]|| Minefield draws black triangles in the following effects in 'pocket full of canvas':Elipse, Colorrects, Mario, Colormunch, imagewaves, fire, wave(de)form and imagemagnifier. These artifacts are not present in Chromium||The two functions that seem to be responsible for this are renderTriangle() and drawImage|- | [ Kaleidscope]|| [[User:ajcondinho |Andrew Condinho]]|| Physical window becomes jerky and from new windowslaggy whenever you re-size the window.|| Tested this out on my desktop and lag disappeared, looks like it might be an issue with lesser hardware
| [ GravityphysicSketch]|| [[User:Kclascon ajcondinho |Kevin LasconiaAndrew Condinho]]|| This Objects don't draw, and after a few failed attempts experiment does not work in the Mozillastops responding to any attempts to draw.|| Chrome has no problems running this experiment.|- | [http://5www.0 (Windows NT 6chromeexperiments.0com/detail/swirling-tentacles/ Swirling Tentacles]|| [[User:cldenobrega |Crystal de Nobrega]]|| Swirling Tentacles only works with D2D disabled; WOW64; rvis super slow and choppy. Computer freezes when you try to resize the window.|| [https:2//bugzilla.0b7pre) Filed a Bug].|- | [http:/20100916 Firefox/4www.chromeexperiments.0b7pre nightly buildcom/detail/blob Blob]|| [[User:cldenobrega |Crystal de Nobrega]]|| Blob has drawing artifacts (crap at the top of the window) when experiment is first launched.|| It works fine in Chrome[https://bugzilla. It also works in Firefox 3mozilla.6org/show_bug.10cgi?id=599962 Filed a Bug].
* [ Sand Trap painting perf bug]
* [ Wilderness Downtown Canvas bug]
* [ Wilderness Downtown Crash bug (xull.dll)]
* [ Liquid Particles perf bug (dupe)]
* [ Animated Harmonograph perf bug]
* [ Pocket Full of Canvas triangle bug]
* [ Ball Dropping bug]
* [ Video->ASCII Conversion perf bug]
* [ Javascript Voxel Spacing bug]
* [ Gear bug]
* [ Colorscube bug]
* [ Google Gravity bug (added additional info)]
* [ physicSketch bug]
* [ Kaleidscope Re-size Bug]
* [ Depth of Field Bug]
* [ Swirling Tentacles Bug]
* [ Blob Drawing Artifacts Bug]