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Revision as of 21:02, 22 September 2010

Hi Murray,

Sandra left me a voicemail on Tuesday to discuss this but we have not had a chance to talk yet.

I have no issue with students from Seneca working on a project for Westminster and we will co-operate with them.

I have not had a chance to investigate Wordpress in much detail but I see that it requires PHP and MySQL. We don’t have any other clients who require this on our Windows web servers and I am not likely going to install it unless there is the possibility of other clients using Wordpress as well. If the Seneca students are interested in designing a website taking advantage of IIS using Windows then that would work out fine for Westminster and we could continue to host the site.

Bill Boisvenue, President BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

From: Susanne Boisvenue Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 8:38 AM To: Bill Boisvenue Subject: FW: Hi There from Murray at Westminster

Do you know what he is talking about?


From: Murray Saul [1] Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 7:43 PM To: Susanne Boisvenue Subject: Re: Hi There

Hi Susanne and Bill,

I believe Sandra may have contacted via phone about allowing Seneca Students work help analyze and design some modifications on your existing Windows system.

I believe these students can also incorporate a web-page design if required (i.e. not have to look to WordPress). I believe Westminster would benefit from an in-depth analysis (with students generating full documentation). The analysis phase would take 1 semester, and the design and implementation one semester. There may be room for subsequent projects to "tweak" the system. I recall we discussed a possible arrangement for students to work with you to see how it affects your side...

Anyways, the fall semester is starting which presents a window of opportunity. I will support and stand by whatever decision or suggestion(s) you make. If you could please let me know if a "go" or "no-go" within a week's time, so I can plan or "call-off" any projects that would affect the Seneca students.


Thanks, Murray