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Firefox Performance Testing Lab Fall 2010 kclascon

274 bytes added, 10:43, 17 September 2010
Test Notes
| [ Monster] || Kevin Lasconia || 09/16/2010 || No noticeable speed differences between browsers. However, when grabbing the 3D object the animation would slow down in Firefox. || Overall the animation appeared to be more fluid in Chrome. It was a bit choppy in Firefox when more complex objects were used. || When grabbing the objects and rotating them it was more responsive in Chrome. In Firefox there would be a slight pause before responding. || Overall Chrome outperformed Firefox for this experiment. Firefox had constant 54% CPU usage. Chrome had a constant 44% CPU usage.
| [ Colorscube] || Kevin Lasconia || 09/16/2010 || The rotating animation on the cube appeared to be faster in Chrome. || - The rotating animation was considerably smoother in Chrome. || - There appeared to be a slight delay during the when doing the rotation gesture in Firefox. Chrome had no delay. || -Overall, Chrome completely outperformed Firefox for this experiment. Bother browsers had similar CPU usage.
| [ js touch] || Kevin Lasconia || 09/16/2010 || - || - || - || -

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