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OSD600 20102

603 bytes removed, 16:18, 8 September 2010
[[OpenOffice temporary template]]
(Under Construction!)
=Topics in Open Source Development=
(Under Construction!)==Announcements==Next meeting will be Date: July 19, 2010, Monday Location: T1042
=Topics in Open Source Development=Time : 14:00
==[ Subject Description]==
==OpenOffice Extension==
Extensions in OpenOffice extends the capability of the OpenOffice program. Extension can be for OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Presentation, Database or for the core OpenOffice. For OpenOffice writer, there may be extensions that extends the dictionary feature of OpenOffice so that user can use a French dictionary. Similarly there may be extensions that adds extra grammar features. An extension for Calc might do a complex calculation like mortgage calculation or filter data in certain way.
A popular extension might become part of the core program in a future release.
Extensions for OpenOffice can downloaded at
==Installing an Extension==
To install an extension
* First download an extension from
* Then open OpenOffice Writer or Calc. On the top menu, click Tools->Extension Manager...
* Click Add... and select the .oxt file (extension file) you downloaded.
Since extension can do different things, you should read how to use the extension before. Some extension might only appear and work on context menu. So if you cannot file the extension feature, check the extension's read-me file or manual.
==Intellectual Property==
[ Java NetBeans Integration]
====Mailing lists====
We can subscribe to OpenOffice Dev mailing by sending an empty email to []
and we can ask our questions from [][[User:Asamimi|asa]]
This mailing list also sends subscribers all email questions asked by other subscribers and their responses too. So, even if we don't have any questions to ask, we still get useful information.
* [[OSD600 Winter 2009]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2009]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2010]]
* [[OSD600 Summer 2010]]