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Loading Blackboard Sections into Moodle

891 bytes added, 08:58, 31 August 2010
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# Another ''Download'' window will appear.
# Click on the Download button and select (and note) the location to where to save the xls spreadsheet file.
# Repeat steps 3 to12 in order to download your other course grading information.# Send an email to Kevin Pitts ( with these grading files as attachments.# Wait for an e-mail from Kevin Pitts to confirm setup of Moodle accounts.# It is recommended to view Moodle account information to confirm that Kevin Pitts created those accounts.  '''NOTE:''' Expect that students may register late during the first several weeks of the semester. Unfortunately, you will need to request those newer students to be added into the system. When sending a request to Kevin, you need to provide the following information '''POSSIBLE SUGGESTION:''' It may be easier if you have multiple sections to have kevin combine the grade list into a larger combined section... This makes it easier when marking labs, quizzes, assignments, and tests in one window as opposed to working with several windows.

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