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Thursday July 1st<br />
*did [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/60-12fps-frame-rate-for-demo frame rate fix] [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/18-display-lower-third-text lowethird] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/67-important-take-control-away-from-google google news div fix]
Friday July 2nd<br />
* fixed some html errors in the popcorn demo. Fixed a JavaScript error in the popcorn library [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/82-a-few-errors-in-the-html here]
* Decided fade in and out were easier than grow and shrink, changing the size would do weird things, and display them as a block, and not inline. Also, growing htem from the middle wans't work, and just from bottm right or top left, decided it wasn't worth it and that fade in and out look just as good.
* Added a fade in and out to popcorn overlays and hard coded a default image link [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/76-overlay-needs-links-and-images-mapped-in-a-more-practrical-way here], the default can be overwritten with overlay="link/to/new/png"* Started finishing the credit's data. Finished [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/tickets/74-map-out-credits-data#ticket-74-2 here]* Started debugging popcorn with jslint, jquery $ is a problem, will look into it more tomorrow. Wednesday July 7th<br />* Blogged about popcorn.js* CDOT meeting, demo'd Popcorn.js* Worked on Processing.js again, and did three small tickets [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/757-exit-does-not-remove-the-instance-from-the-processinginstances remove instance] [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/752-arraylist-is-missing-setindex-value arrayList set] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/751-arraylist-is-missing-addint-index-object-value arrayList add]* My two arraylist tickets I did today were put under review needs work, but I think I may disagree for the reasons, being that my patch supports everything p5 does, but doesn't support what it doesn't do, meaning, I don't support its errors, just its functionality. I can add the errors easily, but I don't think it's the right thing to do and need to get a second opinion. I spent some time today talking to Pomax about this on irc, and did some testing and thinking on it, and I still think we should allow the quirks of javascript to shine through processing.js. An example would be in p5 when you use ArrayList.set(-1, "item"); an error is thrown on the -1 not being an index, but in processing.js, the -1 becomes the second last index, which, I know is not exactly how p5 works, but why bother adding it's flaws? Thursday July 8th<br />* Blogged about google translate, made a fun little google translate demo and followed Mozilla summit* Short day because I went to a funeral in the afternoon Friday July 9th<br />* Discussed more on arraylist.set and arraylist.add.* fixed linting errors in popcorn, and started to asses jquery and direct references to html elements using a "string". I have a work-in-progress patch. fixing the linting errors was harder than I thought, especially with jquery syntax.* did research on getting a json feed, without using the getJSON jquery function, which is the main reason I added jquery. I actually don't think jquery is much of a problem, but we don't want to have to tell our users to directly add in a <script> other than popcorn, so we have to load the script from inside the popcorn library, which causes a problem because the script has to fully load, and we only want to load it if that script is going to be needed in this xml, for example, if google map is not defined in the xml, don't load the google map script, but if we do load it dynamically, it'll stall the code because we should wait for it all to be loaded before we start running the js. Some sort of scan of the xml, then checking to see which commands are used, load all the scripts, then start the parser... but that doesn't seem ideal. Saturday July 10th<br />* Started a demo using processing.js, box2d.js and popcorn.js, where subtitles will fall to the ground, using physics, and crash into a pile. Sunday July 11th<br />* Finished my demo [http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/sdowne/physicsSubtitles/ demo] using Processing.js box2d.js and popcorn.js and wrote a blog about it. Monday July 12th<br />* made a blog [http://scottdowne.wordpress.com/2010/07/13/javascript-array-split-on-multiple-characters/ post] on string.split* Worked on refactoring the popcorn.js code base. The main goal is to continue to support the demo, but allow the library to be more dynamic and not rely on the html elements in the demo. Tuesday July 13th<br />* Today I worked more on processing.js.* Finished [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/764-pexpand-doesnt-need-a-temp-array 764], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/760-dont-assume-moz-attributes-exist 760], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/757-exit-does-not-remove-the-instance-from-the-processinginstances 757], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/752-arraylist-is-missing-setindex-value 752] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/751-arraylist-is-missing-addint-index-object-value 751].* started work on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/765-parraycopy-needs-to-be-fixed 765].* finished [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284-processingjs/tickets/765-parraycopy-needs-to-be-fixed 765] Wednesday July 14th<br />* started work, and research on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/349-implement-createfont createFont] Thursday July 15th<br />* continued work on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/349-implement-createfont createFont] Friday July 16th<br />* Merged [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/349-implement-createfont createFont ticket] into [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/771-createfont-loadfont-and-pde 771]. This made sense for many reasons, the main one being that 771 covers problems in loadFont as well, when can then be wrapped by createFont.* Continued research and development on createFont and loadFont, and I have it working cept a problem in chrome I have not been able to hammer out. Monday July 19th<br />* Today I fixed problems in tickets [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/752-arraylist-is-missing-setindex-value 752], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/760-dont-assume-moz-attributes-exist 760], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/764-pexpand-doesnt-need-a-temp-array 764] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/765-parraycopy-needs-to-be-fixed 765] Tuesday July 20th<br />* Started research on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/457-textmode textMode] Wednesday July 21st<br />* [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/457-textmode textMode] might be over my head. I would love to take the challenge, but I don't think there is enough time for me to learn the 3D end, and still get it done. Might be better suited for Mike to take it, and I work on something else. Thursday July 22nd<br />* While assessing the current processing tickets for the next release, and more so for release 1.0, I noticed a handful of tickets are missing feature blockers Friday July 23rd<br />* I ended up drifting on textMode, into textAscent and textDescent, which are needed to finish textMode, which is currently under control of Mike. I will work with him to see what is best for both of us Monday July 26th<br />* no longer doing [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/457-textmode textMode]. Gave it back to Mike because he is better suited to do it, and I am doing the following instead (we traded tickets)* started work on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/454-textleading textLeading] because it is a missing feature blocked to processing.js* started work on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/452-textascent textAscent]* started work on [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/453-textdescent textDescent] Tuesday July 27th<br />* Worked on my newly obtained tickets.* I had previous research in them from researching textMode Wed July 28th<br />* while working on textLeading:* I fixed an odd pixel that was slipping in between lines split on a string with newline characters. The extra pixel only existed using TOP, BOTTOM, and CENTER on the y axis. Basically, everything cept BASELINE, which was default... The problem was due to using the text size, instead of using text ascent, which is the same size for smaller fonts, but as the font gets larger, the gap is more noticeable.* Noticed I totally overlooked the 4th and 5th parameters of text, which are height and width. This also needs to account for text leading using newlines OR spaces that push the text onto the next line. There is also a few pixel padding in the p5 version from the top of the box, to the first bit of text, which is dependent on the size of the font. I am not yet sure where they get this number, but I am looking through p5's source. The last final problem in textLeading() has to do with the number of pixels being padded between newlines and multiple lines.
Thursday July 29th<br />
* Finished off [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/452-textascent textAscent], [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/453-textdescent textDescent] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/454-textleading textLeading].
* did [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/tickets/754-in-class-default-scope-is-not-this-but-the-dom-window ticket 754]
[[category:Summer 2010 July]]
[[category:Scott's Work Log]]