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Winter 2010 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

137 bytes added, 12:14, 13 August 2010
Undo revision 42872 by Chris Tyler (Talk)
[[Category:SBR600]][[Category:Winter 2010 SBR600]]'''Please note:'''
* The schedule here is tentative.
* Week-by-week details will be filled in as the course progresses.
It's often difficult to get the BuildRequires in a spec file exactly right, because it's easy to overlook packages that are coincidentally installed on the machine. <code>mock</code> is a tool that uses the chroot system call to create a "cleanroom" environment for the build, so that any missing BuildRequires cause the build to fail.
{{Admon/note|The '''mock''' Group|To use mock, you will need to add yourself to the '''mock''' group.}}
To build with mock: