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Winter 2010 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

58 bytes removed, 12:14, 13 August 2010
Undo revision 42872 by Chris Tyler (Talk)
[[Category:SBR600]][[Category:Winter 2010 SBR600]]'''Please note:'''
* The schedule here is tentative.
* Week-by-week details will be filled in as the course progresses.
It's often difficult to get the BuildRequires in a spec file exactly right, because it's easy to overlook packages that are coincidentally installed on the machine. <code>mock</code> is a tool that uses the chroot system call to create a "cleanroom" environment for the build, so that any missing BuildRequires cause the build to fail.
{{Admon/note|The '''mock''' Group|To use mock, you will need to add yourself to the '''mock''' group.}}
To build with mock:
<code>koji</code> is a client-server system which allows you to queue builds within the Fedora build farm. This permits you to test whether your package builds on several different architectures, which is especially useful when you don't otherwise have access to the machines of that architecture.
{{Admon/note|Koji Setup|Note that koji requires some setup, particularly for certificate-based authentication. See the [[:fedora:PackageMaintainers/UsingKoji|UsingKoji]] page on the Fedora wiki for setup instructions.}}
To queue a build for all four Fedora-supported architectures (currently i386, x86_64, ppc, and ppc64):
# Confirm that you can now install from your repository. You should be asked whether you wish to import the key for your repo.
== Guest Speakers: Ben Hearsum and Armen Zambrano Repository-release RPM ==
* Ben Hearsum and Armen Zambrano Gasparnian from the Mozilla build team will discuss what Build & Release means in To make it easier for users to access your repository, create a RPM containing:# Your repo file# Your GPG key Take a look at the [ MozillaRPMFusion] contextrelease RPM for an example.
== ToDo ==
# Blog about this lab, and include a link to your repository RPM package.
= Week Weeks 6 (February 15) - Compositing 13 == Week 7 (February 22) - Server Farms I =* See the [[Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]] project.= Study Week (March 1) == Week 8 (March 8) - Server Farms II == Week 9 (March 15) - Distributed Processing == Week 10 (March 22) - Virtualization == Exam Week 11 (March 29) - Monitoring & Management == Week 12 (* April 5) - 23: [[Winter 2010 SBR600 Posters and Presentations == Week 13 (April 12) - Wrap-Up == Exam Week (April 19) =]]