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Mozilla BuildBot Trending/Patches

508 bytes added, 18:15, 8 August 2010
no edit summary
==Other tests which need to be refined==
==Timestamp Format==
I think it would be a good idea to put my timestamp format in a single place. I plan on using the format <code>YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS</code>. This can be generated with <code> date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S </code>
I am thinking to assist the parser's understanding of log files, it would be a good idea to have these prefixes for each timestamp:
* TOS - Timed Output Start
* TOF - Timed Output Finish
* MLTOS - Multi-Line Output Start
* MLTOF - Multi-Line Output Finish
==Second attempt at timestamps==
This patch is my second attempt at doing timestamps. This patch lives in the build and test infrastructure instead of BuildBot. The first modification is to to add a parameter to specify the date format for timestamps. It will be the string passed to the terminal program 'date'. You can specify this as a parameter to test_all or by setting an environmental variable "GNUDATE_TIME_FORMAT". I am not modifying because I don't know if it is used in the automated test running, it seems to be there for developer usage. Here is the first stage of my patch
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ if not 'platform' not in kwargs:
+ return FAILURE
+ self.platform = kwargs['platform']
+ passCount = 0
+ failCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "PASS" in line:
+ passCount += passCount + 1
+ if "FAIL" in line:
+ failCount += failCount + 1
+ summary = "TinderboxPrint: TUnit<br/>" + str(passCount) + "/" + str(failCount) + "\n"
+ self.addCompleteLog('summary', summary)
+ failCount = 0
+ knownFailCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "REFTEST" not in line:
+ continue
+ failCount = 0
+ todoCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "INFO Passed:" in line:
+ passCount = int(line.split()[-1])
+ failCount = 0
+ todoCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "INFO Passed:" in line:
+ passCount = int(line.split()[-1])
+ failCount = 0
+ todoCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "Pass:" in line:
+ passCount = int(line.split()[-1])
+ failCount = 0
+ todoCount = 0
+ for line in log.readlines():
+ if "INFO Passed:" in line:
+ passCount = int(line.split()[-1])

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