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How to Collaborate On-line

82 bytes removed, 08:59, 9 July 2010
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The problem with collaborating online with Ardour is that the files that are generated when you record an auditory product using Ardour are very LARGE. For example, if you decide to create a '''zipped tarball ''' (a method to build a single file from a group of directories/files and then compress or "zip" “zip” that file ) can balloon to save space) a simple 5 minute song with just percussion and bass guitar could take up somewhere between '''90 Mb MB to 120 Mb MB of hard disk space'''for a simple 4-5 minute song... Imagine posting that file on the cloud, or making that file available on a distribution server! Then just consider the pain of compressing and decompressing those files - there must be an easier method...
... and there is...
If you are not concerned with more than one person '''<u>notsimultaneously editing</u>''' concerned with collaborating simultaneously on a projectthe same session, there is a python script (program) that will allow you to easily share your sessions for editing by other users. The name of this application is called '''session-exchange''', and it has been around for several years...
The advantage of '''session-exchange''' is that the user can allow for uploading and downloading of files to other usersall collaborators of a session, and only have the musicians work on the most recent edits of the auditory product (i.e. "songs"). When you create a song in Ardour, you are required to either '''create a session''', or '''open an existing session'''. This allows ardour to create subdirectories to store all audio data into a concise location on your computer system. Ardour uses the term '''snapshot''' to relate to a '''new session''' file that is generated (i.e. not affecting the original session) that simply stores the '''current state of the edited session'''. No doubt, all of the original files are shared with the other users, but as other users add their own editing contributions to your song. Therefore, only snapshots needs (and the related data updates) need to be shared, thus saving space and transmission time. This is an efficient method of collaborating a song via Ardour sessions over the Internet...
 '''An analogy:''' This may be an oversimplification, but relate it to how the '''vi text editor ''' works: there is a '''swap file''' (editing transaction) file ''' and the '''original file'''. Only upon saving the editing session is the original file updated with the newer information... information… No doubt, the '''the swap file is smaller than the actual file, and thus easier to transfer between computer systems'''. Also, the '''the swap file is useful for backup purposes''' (eg. in case of accidental disconnection from your remote editing session)... The only difference here from this vi text editor comparison is that the snapshot tells informs the session exchange program which other auditory files (that are new) required to be downloaded as wellin addition to the snapshot file...

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