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Document Mozilla External String Guide

6,702 bytes added, 16:19, 1 June 2010
Add External String capability to analysis
Document Mozilla External String Guide
== Project Description ==
[ Bug 494970 - Document Mozilla External String Guide]
== Project Leader(s) ==
== Project Contribution ==
Here are some ways you can help with my project:
# Visit the [ Mozilla external string guide] (Or if that fails to exist or seems alright [ Sandbox:Mozilla external string guide]) and help with formatting, spelling, grammar, and anything else you can fix. (Be sure to refer to the [ How to help] page on MDC.)
== Project Contributor(s) ==
=== From Seneca: ===
== Project Details ==
<s>When the various versions of the project are being released they will be released on MDC at [ Sandbox:Mozilla external string guide] and later at [ Mozilla external string guide]</s> At the moment the project is released in it's final place, though it will still be edited there. It is at [] and any further changes should be made there. 
=== Projected Project Time-line ===
0.0 - Project Plan (This project page and [blog post])
{| class="wikitable" border="1"! Version !! Details |-| 0.0 || Project Plan (This project page and [ blog post])|-| 0.1 - || Document the difference between External and Internal strings, lay out wiki page with basic sections|-| 0.2 || Data collected and entered using static analysis tool (related interfaces etc.)|-| 0.3 || Complete all generic sections from the wiki page and add other important sections about the code|}  {| class="wikitable" border="1"! Version !! Details |-| 0.4 || While conversing with the community about solutions to the Function Pointer Parameter Bug (Bug: 530175), a majority of missing information in the documentation will have been added. |- | 0.5 || The Function Pointer Parameter Bug corrected and Static Analysis information refreshed. |- | 0.6 || I suspect that one or both of the above releases will have an overflow which will be brought over to a later release. |- | 0.7 || With the added content the layout will be modified, tested, and standardized. |- | 0.8 || Any additional information which should be covered in the documentation, but isn’t, will be collected and listed. I am thinking I might post to a mailing list asking others what should be added. This release will include a list of the new additions after being collected, researched, and refined. |- | 0.9 || The missing information found in the previous release will be thoroughly researched and populated. Since the information from early releases (0.1 – 0.3) has been used to create a nice layout this information should be entered using that layout and not require reformatting. |- | 1.0 || In preparation for this release the documentation will be looked over with a fine-toothed comb and polished. This includes making sure the layout is consistent and clean, making sure spelling, grammar, and references used internally with Mozilla (function name, macros, ect.) are correct. Only after these things have been checked will the technical data be reviewed again. This is because most of it has been checked once already, there is reason to believe the information was entered correctly the first time (don’t strike me down,) and the process is time consuming. |}  === Project Related Bugs === {| class="wikitable" border="1"! Number !! Related Ver. No. !! Title |-| <s>[ 529978]</s> || 0.2 || xpcom analysis Makefile produces error about ".deps"|-| [ 530166] || 0.2 || xpcom analysis type-printer.js qualified member problem|-| *N/A || 0.2 || xpcom analysis Makefile for external linkage|-| [ 530175] || 0.2 || type-printer.js error with function pointer parameter|}*N/A means the bug is not submitted at this time.Strikethrough means the bug has been closed
0.2 - Data collected and entered using static analysis tool (related interfaces etc.)
0.3 - Complete all generic sections from the wiki page and add other important sections about the code
== Project News ==
| October 19th, 2009 || The projects sandbox page is now available: [ Sandbox:Mozilla external string guide]
| November 20th, 2009 || A crude example of the static-analysis is posted: [ nsAString (external)] (This will be fixed over time.)
| December 13th, 2009 || 0.3 is released! [ Mozilla external string guide]
| January 22th, 2010 || 0.4 is out, the first since Winter break [ Mozilla external string guide] [ 0.4 release blog post]
| February 5th, 2010 || 0.5 is noted, though some of the work is not on the MDC pending refinements [ 0.5 release blog post]
| February 6th, 2010 || Bug 529978 is resolved and checked in! (See: [[Document_Mozilla_External_String_Guide#Project_Related_Bugs)]]
| February 19th, 2010 || 0.6 is released! [ 0.6 Release]
| March 15th, 2010 || 0.7 is released! [ 0.7 Release]
| March 26th, 2010 || 0.8 isn't released! But while I published 0.9 I also included [ What was supposed to be 0.8 Release]
| April 12th, 2010 || 0.9 is released! [ 0.9 Release]
| April 23rd, 2010 || 1.0 Release [ Release 1.0]
== Unofficial scripts and patches ==
=== Add External String capability to analysis ===
diff -r fe80dd3ebe74 xpcom/analysis/
--- a/xpcom/analysis/ Wed Nov 11 19:11:57 2009 -0600
+++ b/xpcom/analysis/ Wed Nov 18 22:33:53 2009 -0500
@@ -1,35 +1,46 @@
DEPTH = ../..
topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
include $(DEPTH)/config/
+#This has to be set above to work
+#It is okay even while building classapi_external
+#type-printer-external.cpp undefines it
include $(topsrcdir)/config/
- nsAString_internal \
- nsACString_internal \
- $(NULL)
HGREV = $(shell hg -R $(topsrcdir) id -i)
+classapi_internal: typeprinter = type-printer.cpp
+classapi_internal: DUMP_CLASSES = \
+ nsAString_internal \
+ nsACString_internal \
+ $(NULL)
+classapi_internal: classapi
+classapi_external: typeprinter = type-printer-external.cpp
+classapi_external: DUMP_CLASSES = \
+ nsAString \
+ nsACString \
+ $(NULL)
+classapi_external: classapi
classapi: DEHYDRA_MODULES = $(srcdir)/type-printer.js
classapi: DEHYDRA_ARGS += --dump-types=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(DUMP_CLASSES))) --rev=$(HGREV)
classapi: $(MDDEPDIR)
- $(CCC) $(OUTOPTION)/dev/null -c $(COMPILE_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/type-printer.cpp >classapi.out 2>&1
+ $(CCC) $(OUTOPTION)/dev/null -c $(COMPILE_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/$(typeprinter) >classapi.out 2>&1
perl -e 'while (<>) {if (/DUMP-TYPE\((.*)\)/) {print "$$1 ";}}' <classapi.out >dumptypes.list
perl -e 'while (<>) {if (/GRAPH-TYPE\((.*)\)/) {print "$$1 ";}}' <classapi.out >graphtypes.list
for class in `cat graphtypes.list`; do \
dot -Tpng -o$${class}-graph.png -Tcmapx -o$${class} $${class}-graph.gv; \
for class in `cat dumptypes.list`; do \