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OSD600 Fall 2010

109 bytes added, 12:13, 14 May 2010
moved OSD600 to OSD600 Fall 2010: New Semester
* '''60%''' - Project Deliverables (e.g., code, documents), marked in terms of quality, quantity, etc. Your project will be marked at three milestone releases, the number and values being:
** 5% - [[Winter 2010 OSD600 Initial Project Plan |Initial Project Plan]] (Due Week of Sept 28January 25)** 15% - 0.1 Release (Due Week of Oct 19February 15)** 15% - 0.2 Release (Due Week of Nov 16March 15)** 25% - 0.3 Release (Due Week of Dec 7April 5)
* '''20%''' - Project Wiki Page and Blog. You will be marked on your project and personal page's quality, depth of explanation, frequency of update, etc.
* '''20%''' - Contributions to other projects. You will be marked on the quantity and quality of your contributions to other groups.
* [[DPS909 and OSD600 Fall 2009 Winter 2010 Weekly Schedule|Weekly Schedule]]* [[Fall 2009 Winter 2010 Open Source Students]]
* [ Open Source@Seneca Planet]
* [ Mozilla Education Planet]
Here are a list of good student artifacts from the previous course, which should provide examples for future students to follow:
* '''Blog''' - [ Armen], [ Lukas], [ James], [ Ehren]
* '''Personal Wiki''' - [[User:Armenzg|Armen]], [[User:Backinblakk|Lukas]]
* '''Project Wiki''' - [[Automated localization build tool]], [[Extending the Buildbot]], [[Buildbot and EC2]]
* [[DPS909 and OSD600 Fall 2008 Weekly Schedule]]
* [[OSD600 Winter 2009]]
* [[OSD600 Fall 2009]]

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