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Template:Planet Current Posts

232 bytes added, 14:11, 12 May 2010
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'''Note:''' Updates to this list are not taking place due to a recent MediaWiki update. Please refer to [ Planet CDOT] for current postings. * [ Harjinder Virdicodeassistor-listed-on-scintilla.html Michael Mullin: Bespin: Indent ThisCodeAssistor listed on the Scintilla Related Projects site]* [ Scott DowneMichael Mullin: blog post patchCodeAssistor once again compiles against vanilla Scintilla-Cocoa]* [ Scott DowneMichael Mullin: processing.js public members public Goto Line added to everyone but itselfCodeAssistor]* [http://s-aleinikovmikemoz.blogblogspot.cacom/2010/0305/29/templateswhere-do-ini-cfind-8272837/ Sergey Aleinikovcodeassistor.html Michael Mullin: Templates in C++.Where do I find CodeAssistor?]* [ Kezhong Liang: Install RAR Archiver on Fedora 12Eucalyptus cannot recover node automatically]* [ Roger DickeMatt Postill: Release DelayGetting Started]* [http://vocamusasalga.wordpress.netcom/dave2010/?p=1043 David Humphrey: Watching the open web play with Processing.js]* [http:05/06/harjinderv.tumblr.comsmoothing-and-changing-point-sizes-in-webgl/post/481451789 Harjinder VirdiAndor Salga (asalga): Frustration Build Up : BUG#542524Smoothing and changing point sizes in WebGL]* [ Zhibin HuangScott Downe: JavaScript and ActionScriptProcessing.js casting bug]* [ Kezhong Liangv001.html Michael Mullin: Setup Linux loadbalancer with Piranha and LVS on CentOS 5The CodeAssistor released v0.0.41]* [ Scott Downeworld/ Grace Simon Batumbya: JavaScript and multiline regular expressionsGetting Started at CDOT]* [ Daniel HodginMickael Medel (aSydiK): Processing Unfinished Business 0.7 is out, 8 ? 0.8 is on the way9 ? 1.0]* [http://processingjsscottdowne.blogspot.orgcom/2010/blog05/?p=222 Processingbuilding-firefox-on-fedora.js Bloghtml Scott Downe: Processing.js v0.7.1 ReleasedBuilding Firefox on Fedora]* [ Andor Salga (asalga)Anna Sobiepanek: (Almost) Full]* [ Armen Zambrano G. (armenzg): Help finishing *all* Fedora oranges]* [ Kezhong Liang?p=1084 David Humphrey: Setup Linux loadbalancer with LVS, ldirectord and heartbeatView Source as Musical Innovation]* [ Paul Whalenlaunchpad.html Michael Mullin: Setting up Postgresql for use with Koji ? Part OneScintilla Cocoa Bzr and Launchpad]