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Template:Planet Current Posts

83 bytes added, 14:11, 12 May 2010
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* '''Note:''' Updates to this list are not taking place due to a recent MediaWiki update. Please refer to [http://blogzenit.chrissenecac.tylerson.infoca/index~chris.php?tyler/archivesplanet/233-Network-Storage-Loopback-ext3-on-NFS-ReallyPlanet CDOT] for current postings.html Chris Tyler (ctyler): Network Storage: Loopback ext3 on NFS? Really?] * [ Daniel Hodginscintilla.html Michael Mullin: Processing.js 0.9 wrapup and reviewsCodeAssistor listed on the Scintilla Related Projects site]* [ Michael Mullin: CodeAssistor once again compiles against vanilla Scintilla-semester-2-final-presentations-on-video/ Gary Kwong (nth10sd): NUS CS3108 (AY 09/10 Semester 2) Final Presentations on videoCocoa]* [http://blogmikemoz.chrisblogspot.tylers.infocom/index.php?2010/archives05/232goto-Senecaline-andadded-theto-Fedora-ARM-Secondary-Architecturecodeassistor.html Chris Tyler (ctyler)Michael Mullin: Seneca and the Fedora ARM Secondary ArchitectureGoto Line added to CodeAssistor]* [ Lukas Blakk (lsblakk)Michael Mullin: Where do I'm much less interesting now...thanks to Facebook.find CodeAssistor?]* [ Mashfique Haqueautomatically/ Kezhong Liang: Presentation ProofsEucalyptus cannot recover node automatically]* [ Ehren MetcalfeMatt Postill: RTL level function removalGetting Started]* [ Derek Ambrosewebgl/ Andor Salga (asalga): Should I really get the latest tip before I start work?Smoothing and changing point sizes in WebGL]* [ Scott Downe: OSD600 is overProcessing.js casting bug]* [ Wei TongMichael Mullin: int main(int argc, char *argv[]);The CodeAssistor released v0.0.1]* [ Mo Hsiu Meiworld/ Grace Simon Batumbya: Review for OOP344Getting Started at CDOT]* [ Medel (aSydiK): Unfinished Business 0.8 ? 0.9 ? 1.html Kai Xu: Output!0]* [http://blogscottdowne.bchaoblogspot.cacom/2010/0405/gccbuilding-45firefox-packaging-stageon-2-semifedora.html Boris ChaoScott Downe: GCC 4.5 Packaging - Stage 2 - Semi SuccessfullBuilding Firefox on Fedora]* [http://blogannasob.bchaowordpress.cacom/2010/05/04/usingsketch-distccprocessing-to-help-build-gcc-45org/ Anna Sobiepanek: sketch.html Boris Chao: Using distcc to help build GCC 4processing.5org]* [http://blogarmenzg.bchaoblogspot.cacom/2010/0405/gcchelp-45finishing-packagingall-stagefedora-2-work-onoranges.html Boris ChaoArmen Zambrano G. (armenzg): GCC 4Help finishing *all* Fedora oranges]* [http://vocamus.5 Packaging - Stage 2 - Work On Missing Filesnet/dave/?p=1084 David Humphrey: View Source as Musical Innovation]* [ Derek AmbroseMichael Mullin: Issues with Bug 558783 over the weekendScintilla Cocoa Bzr and Launchpad]

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