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OOP344 - 20101

704 bytes added, 12:03, 12 May 2010
fixed the oop344 index
<big><big>Object Oriented Programming II Using C++</big></big> with introduction to open source
{{OOP344 Index- 20101}}
Please help make this page resourceful for all OOP344 students to use!
== Week 5 - Feb 7 ==
=== This Week ===
* pointer to function
* sizeof
** sizeof structures
* typedef
* union
* control flow
** break, only in switch
** continue :-(
** goto -:(
* joining expressions
* conditional expression (x = a>b?c:d)
=== To Do ===
== Week 6 - Feb 14 ==
=== This Week ===
* Declaration Modifiers
** const
** auto
** extern
* Real Syntax of main
* Variable Argument list
=== To Do ===
==== Challenge ====
Write the printf function but call it MyPrint.
It should support
* %c (character)
* %s (string)
* %d (integer)
* %X or %x (integer printed in Hex)
* %f (double or float no formating, always printed with 2 digit after decimal point)
MyPrint("int %d, char %c, string %s, hex %x, float %f", 2, 'A', "hello", 16, 12.34567);
int 2, char A, string hello, hex 10, 12.34
=== Resources ===
=== This Week ===
* Monday Test One. All that you learnt from ipc144 to this point on C language only.* Wednesday Thursday 23:59: BIOL due.
** Create a branch in tags called BIOL_1.0 and have the final BIOL compiled and tested with released tested program and then commit it to the BIOL_1.0 branch.
** Note that there could be many other tags of BIOL to recored record your development milestones, but I only mark the highest release not less than 1.0.
=== To Do ===
== Week 9 - Mar 7 ==
=== This Week ===
* Monday Test One. All that you have learnt from ipc144 to this point on C language only.
=== To Do ===