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A Team's OpText - OOP344

554 bytes added, 12:49, 22 April 2010
Update tasks progress
* Mar.14,2010 - Finish BField!
* Mar.18,2010 - Begin to code the BLabel!
* Mar.19,2010 - BLabel done!
== Yu Wang ==
* Updated to v0.2
* Finish BForm on Mar 20 Saturday 2:00pm
* Finish the Text editor Basic function on April 17 midnight
== ChunXia Wang ==
* Mar.11,2010 - Created bedit.h/bedit.cpp(with empty methods), Added it in PRJ.
* Mar.21,2010 - Build the all the classes and test it with the test main (VCC Done on Sun. Mar.21 20:00)
* Mar.21,2010 - Build the all the classes and test it with the test main (LNX Done on Sun. Mar.22 0:15)
* Apr.16,2010 - Added test main for testing bvedit
* Apr.17,2010 - Added test main for testing btextedit upkey,downkey ...
* Apr.18,2010 - Added single line 'copy paste' function into btestedit and tested it.
== Liang Wang (Tony) ==