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Winter 2010 SBR600 Posters and Presentations

1,712 bytes added, 13:49, 21 April 2010
[[Category:Winter 2010 SBR600]]
                       = Posters/Presentations =
{| border="1" width="100%" class="wikimedia sortable" cellspaing="0"
|+ Fedora ARM VMs!Poster/Presentation!!Topic!!Name!!State
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/Certs ]]
|Sadiki Latty
|Poster Created
|Presentation (#3)
|[[Winter 2010 Presentations/Storage Performance]]
|David Chisholm
|Presentation Partially Complete
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/ARM Intro]]
|Arlene Daniel
|Need additional text for poster!
|Presentation (#2)
|[[Winter 2010 Presentations/VMs+Emulation]]
|Daniel Gilloch
|Presentation (#1)
|[[Winter 2010 Presentations/ARM Intro]]
|Mashfique Haque
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/SheevaPlug Configuration]]|Alex Vlahopoulos(SBR700)|Poster Created
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/Koji Hub SetupPoster]]
|Paul Whalen
|Poster Created
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/Koji Builder]]
|David Cabral
|Ready for layout!
|[[Winter 2010 Posters/GCC4.5 Packaging/ViewSource Packaging]]
|Boris Chao (SBR700) / Jonathan Deni (SBR700)
|Poster Created
== Instructions ==
Create a link from the Topic cell in your line above to a new page. In that page, place the text that you want on your poster or in your presentation slides. Link to the images you want to use as well.
== Deadlines ==
* Posters: Friday April 16 at Midnight
* Presentations: Tuesday April 20 at Midnight
== Resources ==
* [[Winter 2010 Poster Guidelines]]
* [[Winter 2010 Presentation Guidelines]]
* [ Final version files]
= Poster and Presentation Event =
* Date: Friday, April 23, 2010
* Starting time: 1:30 pm -- please be there in advance (~1:00 pm would be good)
* Location: T1015 (south side of 1st floor of TEL building -- not in CDOT/ORI/TELi area)
== Expected Attendees ==
* SBR/OSD/DPS Open Source students
* Faculty
* School, faculty, and college administrators, including:
** David Agnew, President, Seneca College
** Cindy Hazel, VP Academic, Seneca College
** LauraJo Gunter, Dean, Faculty of Information Arts and Technology, Seneca College
** Evan Weaver, Chair, School of Computer Studies, Seneca College
** Dawn Mercer, Office of Research and Innovation, Seneca College
* Industry partners

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