Difference between revisions of "FedoraARM Secondary Architecture/Repo Bootstrap"

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[[Category:Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]]= Goal =
[[Category:Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture]]
= Goal =
To load the initial packages to be used to building into the koji repo.
To load the initial packages to be used to building into the koji repo.

Revision as of 12:31, 16 April 2010


To load the initial packages to be used to building into the koji repo.

Steps Performed

Create tags

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-tag dist-f13test
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-tag --parent dist-f13test --arches arm distest-build
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji list-tags

Add external repo

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-external-repo -t dist-f13test-build dist-f13test-external-repo http://hongkong/yum/base/12/arm/
Created external repo 1
Added external repo dist-f13test-external-repo to to tag ['dist-f13test-build'] (priority 5)

Add a target

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-target dist-f13test dist-f13test-build

Create the "build" and "srpm-build" package groups.

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group dist-f13test-build build
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group dist-f13test-build srpm-build

Populate those package groups with packages. Note: I used the same packages for both, we should check whether srpm-build matches the primary archs.

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group-pkg dist-f13test-build build bash \
bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils fedora-release findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ \
grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils \
tar unzip util-linux-ng which bash curl cvs fedora-release gnupg make \
redhat-rpm-config rpm-build shadow-utils

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group-pkg dist-f13test-build srpm-build bash \
bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils fedora-release findutils gawk gcc  gcc-c++ \
grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils \
tar unzip util-linux-ng which bash curl cvs fedora-release gnupg make \
redhat-rpm-config rpm-build shadow-utils