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72 bytes added, 11:15, 6 April 2010
'''ljubo''': Siji, Damian, Michael and I are all available on <u>'''Wednesday between 12:00pm and 1:30pm'''</u>. The 4 of us should for sure meet during that time to make the powerpoints and plan the presentation based on all the research gathered, and even come up with some debate topics for the Q&A portion of the presentation. Each person will be responsible for practicing their own part of the presentation based on the powerpoint slides to make sure they can present in the allotted time.
There is also the '''"Thank You Letter"''' but that should be easy ;)
If anyone is feeling nervous and would like additional practice, I am willing to meet with anyone again later in the week during my available times to review the work that Siji, Damian, Michael and I will do on Wednesday, and even rehearse the presentation.

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