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The Team OpText - OOP344

216 bytes added, 02:24, 30 March 2010
====Tasks Progress====
-Task 3 completed<br />-Task 12 completed <br />-Fixed bedit.cpp as there were around 20 errors in it <br />-Fixed bfield.cpp as there were a few errors <br />-Applied all R 0.4 changes <br />-Coded BVedit.cpp, going to need someone to test it <br />
All changes made to files are in my branch
=== Carolyn Woodley ===
====Tasks Progress====
Task: Making bfield.h and a dummy bfield.cpp completed, awaiting testing.
Testing Completed and Added to TrunkTask: Creating BLabel. Done, without testing yet.
I would prefer to use the main to testBfield not completed for personal testing, so I'm awaiting thatbut eh.
I cannot add the files to the vcproj, since I do not have visual studio, someone else must do that.
====Tasks Progress====
Task 7 Completed.<br/>
Task 10 Completed.