*[[User:Anna.sobiepanek|Anna Sobiepanek]]
*[[User:David.humphrey|David Humphrey]]
*[[User:asalga|Andor Salga]]
*[[User:mlam19|Matthew Lam]]
*[[User:Dhhodgin|Daniel Hodgin]]
*[[User:ASydiK|Mickael Medel]]
*[http://twitter.com/Corban Corban Brook]
*[http://eligrey.com/ Eli Grey]
===Proposed Agenda===
Reminder: record meeting audioand take minutes
* New Project Members
* 0.7 Release Update/ Overview of Issues* https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/milestones/55787-05-release-date 0.8 Update/Status Check/Why hasn't anyone submitted anything for yesterdays due date?* new ticket status added to lighthouse
* https://processingPGraphic* linting errors -js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/milestones/55787must run make check-05lint* color -releasestatus* ref tests -date 0.8 Updatehow to write, where is documentation, 1 on 1 by appointment
* Daniel has the recorded meetings, having trouble with uploading them to his server, will talk more to Dave about hosting* PImage works but needs to be fine-tuned for 0.8 Most working but few were hacked together really quick.* Working on PGraphics... it's currently mostly working, planning to keep as is with createGraphics and implement 3D. Talked about loadPixels on webGL for it. Deteremined to fix image to work on 3D...* Color status - half implemented. PImage uses int params and there's functions that convert string to int and vice versa... should be ready for 0.8 release* Andor's lighting code working really well. Should be done by this release.* Ref tests has to be talked more about by Dave. Read his [http://vocamus.net/dave/?p===Minutes===1039 blog] and [https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/41284/writing-automated-tests Automated test]* New ticket status for pre-1.0 (missing-features-blocker) and post-1.0 (missing-features) ... please pick up as many pre-1.0 tickets as possible.* Eli brought up postponing 1.0 until we get asynchronous loading maybe do 0.95* Reminder: Make sure to run make check-lint* Mozilla JS deprecated octal literals - need to know how to handle them (looks like regex solution)* Variable document/undefined as it's used fairly often (code optimization) - YUI doesn't do optimizations