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OPS235 Lab 7 - Fedora17

186 bytes added, 15:00, 17 March 2010
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* Establish a tunnel using a local port on fedora2 of 20808, that connects to the remote port on fedora1 of 80, using the following command on fedora2:
** <code>ssh -L 20808:fedora1:80 user@fedora1
{{Admon/note | Note! | The -L (which means Local port) takes one argument of <codepre><local-port>:<connect-to-host>:<connect-to-port></codepre>}}The -L (which means Local command basically connects your local port) takes one argument of <local-20808 to the remote port>:<connect-of 80 on fedora1. This means all requests to 20808 on the localhost (fedora2) are actually tunnelled through your ssh connection to-host>:<connect-port 22 on fedora1 and then delivered to-port>80 on fedora1, bypassing the firewall. }}

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