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OPS235 Assignment 1 Fall 2013

No change in size, 12:38, 6 February 2010
Finding your way
'''Research on your Fedora system to come up with sets of commands to accomplish the following tasks :(5 points for each completed task)'''
#Display a list of all the files under the <code>/homeetc</code> directory and its sub-directories that have been created or modified within the last 2 4 hours.#Display a list of all the files under the <code>/etcvar</code> directory and all its sub-directories that have been created or modified today (since mid-night).#Display a list of all the files under the <code>/varboot</code> directory and all its sub-directories that have been accessed or modified within the last 20 30 minutes#Display a list of all the files under the <code>/boothome</code> directory and all its sub-directories that were last modified more than 6 4 days ago
Put each set of commands in a separate file. Name the file for task (1) as ass1-1, task (2) as ass1-2, etc. It must be possible to run these script files simply by typing their name (set the permissions appropriately).

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