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1,334 bytes added, 18:05, 5 February 2010
Created page with '=OPS235 Assignment #1 -- Winter 2010= Weight: 5% of the overall grade<br> Due Date: First week after study week.<br> (Check with your Professor for exact date)<br> Due at the s...'
=OPS235 Assignment #1 -- Winter 2010=

Weight: 5% of the overall grade<br>
Due Date: First week after study week.<br>
(Check with your Professor for exact date)<br>
Due at the start of class.

{{Admon/caution | Caution! | Before making any changes to your system configuration, backup the original configuration files into the <code>/backups</code> directory.}}

==Basic Chores==

'''Complete the following tasks on your system (4 points for each completed task).'''

#Setup your system so that the command <code>mount /assigndir</code> -- executed by any user -- will attach the logical volume <code>assign-vol</code> from the volume group called <code>ASSIGNGROUP</code> (minimum 100 MB) to the mountpoint <code>/assigndir</code> (The volume should NOT be automatically mounted at boot time) Use <code>/dev/sda5</code> as the physical volume.
#Setup your system login message to say '''Long Live The Open Source Community''' (to be displayed on all virtual consoles after the login prompt)
#Setup your system login banner to say '''Free as in --Free of Charge-- is good too.''' (User should see this before login to the system)
#Setup your system so that every user has a command alias called <code>rmtempdir</code> which will delete the contents of a directory called <code>~/temp</code> '''NOT''' the <code>/tmp</code> directory.

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