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(OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2010)
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| Soley|| Fred|| fsoley23 || A || http://whatever.someblog.com/ || CoolDude || [[My Team Name]] || [[Special:Contributions/fardad | Contributions]]
| Soley|| Fred|| fsoley23 || A || http://whatever.someblog.com/ || CoolDude || [[My Team Name]] || [[Special:Contributions/fardad | Contributions]]
| Pliats|| Aleh|| apliats || B || http://oleg-oop.blogspot.com/  || oleg_pliats|| [[My Team Name]]  || [[Special:Contributions/apliats| Contributions]]

Revision as of 13:17, 12 January 2010

OOP344 - Student List - Teams - Project - IRC Schedules - Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2010

It is strongly advised to first make sure the following are done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; irc.freenode.net server.
  • You have a blog

Please add your information to the table below if you are a student in oop344, Winter of 2010.
If any of your blog, irc nick or group project page is not set yet, fill the cell with a "-".
Make sure you insert your information sorted, based on your last name.

If you are creating a new page on wiki, always start the name of the page with OOP344 unless you believe the page has content that can be useful for general public.

OOP344 - 2010 student list
Lastname Name Seneca Id Section Blog URl IRC nick Group wiki page My Contributions
Adams Matthew mdadams1 A http://blog.tandemwebdesign.ca MattAdams My Team Name Contributions
Aleinikov Sergey saleinikov A http://s-aleinikov.blog.ca/ seal13 My Team Name Contributions
Chen Wen Fang wfchen A http://wfchen2010.blogspot.com/ wfchen My Team Name Contributions
Cheung Christopher cgcheung B http://rocketpants.blog.ca/ Rocketpants My Team Name Contributions
Cheung Jonathan jcheung23 B http://senecajon.blogspot.com/ JonHC My Team Name Contributions
Cohen Bryan bmcohen B TBA bmcohen My Team Name Contributions
Huang Dachuan dhuang18 B http://hdc23.wordpress.com/ Da_Truth My Team Name Contributions
John-Sandy Anastasia ajohn-sandy B http://anastasiasaurus.blogspot.com annieJS My Team Name Contributions
Khamar Ashu amkhamar B http://ash4chilled.blogspot.com ashu My Team Name Contributions
Lin Michael mlin25 A No blog yet... mlin25 My Team Name Contributions
McDorman Brendan bmcdorman B http://rift-tlosam.blogspot.com/ Kuat My Team Name Contributions
Oberes Donna daoberes B http://donna-oberes.blogspot.com Donna_Oberes My Team Name Contributions
Parreno Brian bmparren A http://justletmepassoop344.blogspot.com/ bmparren My Team Name Contributions
Seifried David dseifried B http://dseifried.blogspot.com/ Jangalang My Team Name Contributions
Soley Fred fsoley23 A http://whatever.someblog.com/ CoolDude My Team Name Contributions
Pliats Aleh apliats B http://oleg-oop.blogspot.com/ oleg_pliats My Team Name Contributions
Tawaf Gamal gtawaf A http://gtawaf.blogspot.com/ the wonderer My Team Name Contributions
Ventura Dan dsventura A http://dsventura.blogspot.com/ danman My Team Name Contributions
Wang Cong cwang84 A http://wangcong422.blogspot.com/ cwang84 My Team Name Contributions
Wang Huaxing hwang94[1] A http://huaxingwang.blogspot.com/ Gtx My Team Name Contributions
Wang Liang lwang168 A http://lwang168.blogspot.com/ lwang168 My Team Name Contributions
Wang Shengwei swang94 B http://shengwei-seneca.blogspot.com/ Shengwei My Team Name Contributions
Wang Yu ywang268 B http://ywang268.blogspot.com/ ywang268 My Team Name Contributions
Ward Amy amward1 A http://amward1.wordpress.com/ award My Team Name Contributions
Wei Tong wtong1 B http://zakoop344.blogspot.com/ wtong1 My Team Name Contributions
Woodley Carolyn CWoodley1 B http://carolynwoodley.blogspot.com CWoodley My Team Name Contributions
Xu Kai kxu9 B http://kxu9.blogspot.com RedCool My Team Name Contributions