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DPS909 and OSD600 Fall 2009 Weekly Schedule

8,382 bytes added, 11:39, 22 December 2009
Week 5 (Oct 5) – Bugs, Bugzilla, and Debugging
**** Watches, [[Special:Recentchanges|Recent Changes]]
**** Comparing selected versions (cf. diff)
**** [ Editing help]
** [[Overview_of_Mozilla_Communication#Weekly_Calls|Public, project-wide status calls]]
** [[Overview_of_Mozilla_Communication#Mailing_Lists.2FNewsgroups|Mailing Lists]]
** Watch online lectures for this week about open source community, blog your reactions.
** Complete this week's [[Communicating Using IRC Lab Fall 2009|lab]] by '''Friday'''.
== Week 3 (Sept 21) - Managing and Building Large Source Trees ==
*** What surprised you?
*** '''Note:''' Do not put build output in your blog. You can use your wiki pages for that. The blog should be commentary on the experience of building a large piece of open source software.
*** '''Pick your project''' and '''complete''' your [[Fall 2009 DPS909 and OSD600 Initial Project Plan 0.0|Initial Project Plan]] due next '''Monday Sept 28th'''. == Week 4 (Sept 28) - Navigating the Mozilla source tree == * Learning to be Lost Productively** Adding to Mozilla is not like writing a program from scratch** Leverage the existing code by reading, studying, and copying existing code and styles* Mozilla Source Code structure and style** [ Mozilla Coding Style Guide]** [ Mozilla directory structure]** [ Mozilla Source Code Directory Overview]** [ Portability Rules for C++]* Searching for Code***** [ Firefox Source code (trunk)]*** [ Thunderbird Source (trunk)]** [ DXR] - a Seneca/Mozilla project to add more data to MXR.* How to Make Changes** building with '','' ''clobber'' builds, ''incremental builds''** Working with Patches*** [ Creating a patch] * '''Readings/Resources'''** Reading: Chapter 11 (pages 379-397) of Diomidis Spinellis, ''Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective'', ISDN 0-201-79940-5 - [ information about the book] - [ eBook version via Seneca Library and Safari] * '''TODO'''** Lab - [[Real World Mozilla Source Code Reading Lab|Source Code Reading Lab]]** Lab - [[Working with Patches Lab|Working with patches]]** Begin work on your project, based on your initial project plan.** Review, and where appropriate, comment on blog postings by other students. == Week 5 (Oct 5) – Bugs, Bugzilla, and Debugging == * What is a bug?** Open vs. Closed Bug Tracking - [ discussion of Mozilla vs Microsoft/IE]** BMO -** Searching for Bugs** How to File a Bug** Dupes, Depends, Blocks** Following bugs through bugzilla* Mozilla Bug Case Studies** Adding animation support to the PNG format - For Firefox 3.0, [ animation support was added to PNG], and then Mozilla's image library. See the [ project page] and [ bug 257197].** Plug-in Watcher - Give the browser (and extension developers) a way to monitor the CPU load for a plugin (e.g., Flash playing a movie). This feature shipped in Firefox 3.0. See the [ project page] and [ bug 412770].** Adding GPS Support to Fennec on Windows CE - Mozilla was interested in getting GPS support added to the Windows CE platform for Fennec. This project added it, and it will ship as part of the first Fennec release. See the [ project page], [ blog], [ bug 477557], and [ bug 482613].** Mercurial Web Improvements - Mozilla's HG Web interface is written in Python, JavaScript, and jQuery. A number of enhancements where requested for Mozilla's needs. This project added this, fixing nine issues in all. See the [ project page], [ student blog], and bugs [ 459727], [ 445560], [ 448707], [ 468089], [ 459823], [ 471321], [ 453162], [ 486939].* Debugging Tools and Techniques** C++ with VS.NET and gdb** JS with Venkman and Firebug** DOMi** Error Console** Lab - [[Dive into Mozilla Debugging Mozilla Lab|Debugging Mozilla]] * '''Guest Speakers'''** [ Ben Hearsum] (bhearsum) and [ Armen Zambrano Gasparnian] (armenzg) of the Mozilla Build Team will be visiting the [[SBR600]] and [[DPS909]]/[[OSD600]] classes on Thursday.** Please show our guests respect by being punctual. ** Bring your questions! * '''Readings/Resources'''** [[The Life-cycle of a Bug]] (on-line lecture) by Mozilla's Mike Connor** [ Strategies for Debugging Mozilla] (on-line lecture) by Mozilla's Vladimir Vukićević** [ Account of fixing a first bug, by Mozilla's Atul Varma] * '''TODO'''** Create a [ bugzilla] account** Find 3+ bugs related to your project, and add them to your project wiki page** CC yourself on two bugs that relate to your project** Watch a user in bugzilla for the week and blog about the experience (e.g., ted, mfinkle, bsmedberg, or someone else related to your project)** Be working on your 0.1 release. Ask for help if you're stuck** Register for [ FSOSS] or join as a [[Volunteer|volunteer]].** Come up with some ways for others to contribute to your project and add them to your project wiki page. Remember, you're asking for help, so be clear about what you need done, and make it easy so that people will pick you vs. another project. == Week 6 (Oct 12) – Bug Fixing: Putting it all together (building, debugging, patches, bugs) == * Finding a bug, filing, fixing, patching* [ Submitting a Patch for Review]* Using '''cvs/hg log''', '''blame''', and the list of [ Module Owners] to determine who should review* Good Examples of Bugs** [ Bug 343416]** [ Bug 335878]** [ Bug 132183]* Lab - [[Thunderbird Bug Fix Lab|Fixing a bug in Thunderbird]] * '''Readings/Resources'''** [ Submitting Getting your patch in the tree]** [ Personal blog account of fixing a bug]** [ Personal blog account of fixing a bug in Thunderbird] * '''TODO'''** No class on Monday due to Thanksgiving.** Complete work on your 0.1 release, updating your blog, your wiki page, etc. '''Due next week'''** Register for [ FSOSS] or join as a [[Volunteer|volunteer]].** Complete and add '''2 new contributions''' to your personal list of contributions.** Complete this week's [[Thunderbird Bug Fix Lab|lab]] (hopefully during class time). Make sure you complete the '''Wiki''' and '''Blog''' requirements in the lab. == Week 7 (Nov 2) – Modifying the Browser -- In Tree == * JavaScript development* Debugging JavaScript* Working with Chrome in the Source Tree* JAR files* Lab - [ Modifying the Browser Lab] * '''Readings/Resources'''* Watch [ JavaScript: The Good Parts] Google lecture by [ Douglas Crockford]. * '''TODO'''** Blog about two things you learned about JavaScript while watching Crockford's talk. What surprised you most?** Complete the [ lab] and '''post a patch''' to your personal wiki page.** Look for opportunities to help other projects as part of your contrib mark. Blog about things people can do for your project.** Work on your 0.2 project release, blogging about your plans and progress.** Remember that you are required to blog '''at least once per week'''.