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25 bytes added, 14:25, 7 December 2009
Project News
[ 0.2 Release]: In the end, I did not use the TRIM_WHITESPACE() macro, because of my small understanding of how it works. Just a little bit of code is added to the msg_quote_phrase_or_addr() function. This bit of code removes trailing spaces from the address given. However, I might be at fault, because this code might not be allowed due to some RFC regulations.
[ Updated patch with corrections]: After submitting my first patch, I received a quick review valuable remarks from a commentator. He told me to fix few nits in my code: changing the data type of one my variablesa variable, removing another variable, fixing changing the length of my indentations, and the location of my space and my bracket. These changes were fixed in my patch. Currently, a reviewer has chosen to look at my patch.

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