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Latest revision as of 11:29, 28 November 2009

humph dnovillo: we have some students working on the 4.4 plugin stuff. thanks for your email. 10:19
humph they are just trying to understand it all, which is turning out to be a good learning experience. 10:20
dnovillo humph: great! it would be best if they work out of the 4.4 branch directly. 10:22
dnovillo humph: once they have a patch against it, i can create a new svn branch in the FSF repo and apply it. 10:22
humph can you say more about what you mean? 10:22
humph like they should pull the 4.4 branch direct? 10:23
dnovillo right. checkout a 4.4 branch, apply the svn revisions i sent to it. 10:24
dnovillo hmm 10:25
dnovillo maybe it's easier for them if i create the sub-branch first. 10:25
dnovillo give me a minute. 10:25
humph sure 10:25
humph ctyler: ^^ fyi 10:25
* ctyler reads back 10:26
ctyler howdy dnovillo 10:26
humph this is one task where I dearly miss mercurial and svn falls down 10:26
humph i.e., having to update to revisions to get changes and needing the network for that 10:26
humph dnovillo: ctyler is a fedora guy, and also a prof with me (our students are both working on this) 10:27
dnovillo humph: you can always work out of a git mirror off of the fsf, but in this case, doing it directly should also work. 10:27
dnovillo ctyler: hi there. 10:27
humph dnovillo: I'm just complaining :) We'll do it the svn way 10:27
dnovillo ctyler: i'll create a branch of 4.4. so your students can put the patches in there. i don't think they'll need copyright assignments for this work, but let me check. 10:28
ctyler ok, thanks. 10:28
ctyler Borris should be joining us shortly. 10:28
humph cool 10:29
humph ehren's not around atm 10:29
* bchao (bchao@1FE5D3AD.33EE9F8A.1139E686.IP) has joined #static 10:32
* bchao is now known as BoChao 10:33
* ctyler sees massive netsplit on freenode 10:33
ctyler dnovillo, meet BoChao, BoChao meet dnovillo 10:33
BoChao hey dnovillo 10:33
dnovillo BoChao: nice to meet you 10:34
BoChao dnovillo: nice to meet you too 10:35
ctyler BoChao: dnovillo is going to create a subversion branch for the 4.4 plugin backport 10:37
* ctyler has to step out for a few errands, will be back 10:37
BoChao sounds good 10:37
dnovillo ok, branch created. 10:38
dnovillo checkout the gcc-4_4-plugins branch with 10:39
humph BoChao: so what we'll do is swap out the 4.4.1 we had for this as our working base 10:39
dnovillo $ svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-4_4-plugins 10:39
humph BoChao: do it over http:// instead of svn:// at school so you don't get throttled 10:40
dnovillo once you get that, apply the revisions i listed in my mail and send me the patch (Including the ChangeLog entries). I can then commit it back in the svn repository and everyone can then use a 4.4+plugins gcc 10:40
BoChao humph: do I do a wget http://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-4_4-plugins 10:43
BoChao  ? 10:43
humph no, you can do it like he said 10:43
humph but swap http:// for svn:// 10:43
dnovillo BoChao: just check out with svn directly. it will be easier for you to create a patch. 10:44
dnovillo BoChao: one thing you may want to do is create a git repo for it once you check it out. or hg. whatever makes it easier for you to produce patches. 10:44
BoChao dnovillo: I'm new to this :P 10:45
dnovillo BoChao: that will probably make it easier then :). To apply patches from svn, you need to know the revision numbers. 10:46
dnovillo so if you need to apply revision 13100, you just say 10:46
dnovillo $ svn diff -r 13099:13100 10:46
dnovillo that gives you the patch that introduced revision 13100 10:46
dnovillo you then apply that patch into your tree 10:47
BoChao where would I enter that command? 10:47
BoChao sorry for all the questions 10:47
humph BoChao: after you svn co you'll get a dir 10:48
humph cd into that dir 10:48
humph and you can run your other svn commands against that local working copy 10:48
BoChao ok 10:50
dnovillo BoChao: right. so to get you started: 1- mkdir 44-plugins, 2- cd 44-plugins && svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-4_4-plugins 10:50
dnovillo that gives you a directory named gcc-4_4-plugins with the whole 4.4 gcc tree. It will take a while to download, we pile a lot of crap in there. 10:51
humph  :) 10:51
BoChao yeah..its downloading 10:51
BoChao but i didn't do step 1 :P 10:52
humph BoChao: if you do svn co svn://... vs. svn co http://... at school it will take *forever* as they have packet crap to foil you 10:52
BoChao yeah...i switched that from your advice =) 10:52
BoChao hmmm...i should have used screen 10:57
humph never leave $HOME without it 10:58
BoChao dnovillo: I just ran svn diff -r 13099:13100 11:04
dnovillo BoChao: you will also need to checkout mainline. sorry i missed that. 11:04
dnovillo those rev #s i sent are against mainline. svn is not smart enough to get them if you're in a branch. 11:05
dnovillo BoChao: what's your email address? i've got a little script that may help getting these revisions out. 11:05
BoChao bchao@learn.senecac.on.ca 11:05
dnovillo BoChao: great. actually, maybe easier to post the link http://airs.com/dnovillo/svn-get-rev 11:06
dnovillo do this: 11:06
dnovillo $ svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/trunk 11:07
dnovillo $ cd trunk 11:07
dnovillo $ svn-get-rev 146274 11:07
dnovillo it should output to stdout the log message for rev 146274 and the patch. 11:07
dnovillo do that for all the revisions i mailed and that should give you an aggregate patch that can then be retrofitted in the 4_4-plugin branch. 11:07
BoChao so that script from that link, I run that in the gcc-4.4-plugin directory right? 11:08
humph BoChao: all svn commands should be run inside the working directory (i.e., what you checked out with svn co) 11:09
dnovillo BoChao: no, the script svn-get-rev needs to be run inside your copy of 'trunk' because those revision numbers are against trunk. 11:10
dnovillo if you run svn-get-rev with those numbers inside the 4_4-plugin tree, you'll get an empty output. 11:10
BoChao ok 11:10
dnovillo so, you'll have two gcc trees checked out. trunk and gcc-4_4-plugin. 11:12
dnovillo humph/ctyler/BoChao: i'm sending the announcement about the branch + rules for it. Are you all subscribed to gcc@gcc.gnu.org? 11:23
humph I am not, no 11:24
dnovillo not really necessary, you can track it from the archives. the announcement won't say anything you don't already know. 11:27
dnovillo the one rule i'm imposing on the branch is that it will only accept backports from mainline. i don't want it to become a sandbox for new functionality. 11:27
humph seems reasonable 11:28
dnovillo BoChao: patches for this branch should be posted to gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org and include the tag [44-plugins] in the Subject. 11:30
BoChao dnovillo: i am not subscribed gcc@gcc.gnu.org 11:33
dnovillo BoChao: this is an excellent time to subscribe. tune your filters, though. 11:34
dnovillo gcc@ is for discussions on development, gcc-patches@ is where we post all patches. 11:34
dnovillo we're cavemen and don't believe in tracking patches via modern ways. 11:35
BoChao dnovillo: how do i subscribe? 11:35
humph the thing about getting students involved, is that they have no habits to break, so whatever you do is what they become accustomed to doing 11:35
dnovillo BoChao: http://gcc.gnu.org/lists.html choose gcc-patches and gcc. 11:36
dnovillo humph: haha 11:36
BoChao dnovillo: what is teh argumetn I need to type in for the script 11:36
BoChao usage: svn-get-rev rev 11:36
dnovillo 'rev' is the number. those are the revision numbers i sent in my email. 11:37
BoChao oh..ok, just type in those numbers in 1 by 1? 11:37
dnovillo yup. i would try to apply 1 patch at a time. 11:37
dnovillo in theory, the groups of revisions i sent should give you a buildable compiler every time. 11:38
dnovillo so, apply the first group of revs. check that the compiler builds. then apply the second, etc. 11:38