1. Oct 29, 2009 22:26 -- I've got a draft of IO_Label class done, I will make it more efficient and do some corrections later.
2. Oct 29, 2009 22:46 -- Comment some unnecessary codes in io_label.h
3. Nov 01, 2009 22:19 -- I commited all the required classes for our project to our repo and added them to PRJ.vcproj, but some of them only have an empty constructor, so you guys can change them according to the coming descriptions.(make sure it's buildable)
4. Nov 05, 2009 19:03 -- I put more define statements in io_def.h file.
5. Nov 05, 2009 21:30 -- I added IO_Vedit class to our project, and I finished the two constructors.
6. Nov 08, 2009 00:55 -- Update io_def.h
7. Nov 10, 2009 21:30 -- I finished several functions in IO_Frame class, and did some changes in IO_Form.
8. Nov 11, 2009 20:01 -- I removed io_menubar from our project. Also, copy io_checklist from the notes, and commit to our project.
9. Nov 11, 2009 20:15 -- Add two functions, getOwnerTop and getOwnerLeft, to io_field, and change one function, set(int top, int left) --> set(int top, int left, int width, int height), in io_frame.
10. Nov 11, 2009 21:45 -- Finished io_frame class, but there is still a bug. And change prjmain to test io_frame.
11. Nov 12, 2009 23:00 -- Removed io_radio from our project, and add io_node to it.
12. Nov 12, 2009 23:08 -- Completed IO_Node class.
13. Nov 13, 2009 00:41 -- Completed the draft of IO_Edit class
14. Nov 14, 2009 23:23 -- Fixed a bug in ciol.c
15. Nov 19, 2009 20:02 -- Add a function called void displayOwner(void)const into IO_Field class.
16. Nov 22, 2009 15:47 -- Write a test main to test io_menu (both Vertical and Horizontal).