*[http://nsisOnce downloaded, the "Windows Core SDK" (Tools, Build Environment, and Redistributable Components) and the "Web Workshop SDK" (Build Environment) must be installed.sourceforge.net/Download NSIS Installer] | [http://developerIf you are using at least Visual Studio .NET 2003, you already have all the necessary SDKs for building mozillaand can skip this requirement step.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites#NSIS More Info]
=Conclusion=Although this first experience was crazy I did like every minute of it (seriously!) and I hope to continue working on open source projects.
→The Build Begins
The way I decided to proceed with this assignment was to read all the information out there about how the build process works before trying anything out. I did this to decrease my chances that I do not fall into a "try, fail, try again" scenario. However, as it came to be, finding a bug in software is inevitable. :(
In the report below I mentioned the tools one needs, steps I took, and problems that I tackled to get me through the process of building firefox "minefield" using CVS!
Note: I initially tried to build firefox without using CVS, but ran into way too many problems to document. I then moved on to the minefield version and the problems that spitted out were easier to fix.
=Computer Specs=
=Steps Took To Build the Fox=
==Did The Boring Stuff==
*[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla_Build_FAQ Mozilla Build FAQ]
*[http://cs.nyu.edu/rgrimm/teaching/fa05-oop/windows-make.html Getting Make to place nice with Cygwin]
* [http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=23 Firefox Build Forum @ MozillaZine]*[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Assignment_1_List Other Student's Assignments]
==Downloaded And Installed The Tools==
*Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET 2003® (C++ module is needed mainly). It's available from [http://acs.senecac.on.ca/pages/download.php ACS] -- [http://sonic.senecac.on.ca/download/getfile.php?username=sfernan2&filename=MSDN/2072.2.ISO Pre-requesite Disc)], [http://sonic.senecac.on.ca/download/getfile.php?username=sfernan2&filename=MSDN/2070.ISO Disc 1], [http://sonic.senecac.on.ca/download/getfile.php?username=sfernan2&filename=MSDN/2071.ISO Disc 2]*[http://www.rarlabs.com WinRar] to extract several archive files*[ftp://ftp.cygwin.com/pub/cygwin/setup.exe Cygwin] | [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites#GNU_Tools_for_Microsoft_Windows_.28Cygwin.29 More Info] | [http://www.cygwin.com Cyqwin Cygwin Main Website] When installing Cygwin the following packages need to be selected: <pre>* ash -- UNIX-like command line interpreter shell (Base category) * coreutils -- GNU core utilities (includes fileutils, install, sh-utils, and textutils) (Base category) * cvs -- concurrent versions system (Devel category) * diffutils -- file comparison utility (Base category) * findutils (Base category) * gawk -- pattern matching language (Base and Interpretors categories) * grep -- text search tool (Base category) * libiconv -- character set conversion (Devel category) * make -- dependency analyzer for software builds (Devel category) (not mandatory if the version is 3.81 -- we need 3.80)* patchutils -- a small collection of programs that operate on patch files (Devel category) * perl -- a scripting language used to control parts of the build (Interpreters category) * sed -- a search and replace language (Base category) * unzip -- zip file extraction (Archive category) * zip -- zip file creation (Archive category)</pre>
*[http://cygwin.paracoda.com/release/make/make-3.80-1.tar.bz2 Make 3.80] (to overwrite the 3.81 version from the Cygwin install)
Once '''MAKE''' is downloaded and saved on your hard drive: <pre>1. Use WinRAR to extract the file to any folder of your choosing.2. Copy the make.exe file located within the usr/bin folder and overwrite the make.exe located in C:\cygwin\bin </pre> *[http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/libraries/win32/moztools-static.zip MozTools] | [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites#moztools MozTools More Info] Once downloaded, extract the contents to '''C:\proj\moztools'''.
*[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0baf2b35-c656-4969-ace8-e4c0c0716adb&DisplayLang=en Microsoft ® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Platform SDK] | [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites#Platform_SDK More Info]
==The Build Begins==
I mainly followed the guide from [http://cs.senecac.on.ca/%7Edavid.humphrey/writing/firefox-win32-build.html Dave's site] but changed a few aspects of it so that it worked for the Visual Studio 2003 version and the way I setup my computer.
1. Created a directory called '''C:\proj'''
2. [[User:Mdsouza/Assignment_01:_Build_the_Fox#Downloaded_And_Installed_The_Tools|Downloaded and Installed]] the necessary software above.
3. Created my [[User:Mdsouza/Assignment_01:_Build_the_Fox#Batch_File|batch file]] and [[User:Mdsouza/Assignment_01:_Build_the_Fox#.mozconfig_File|.mozconfig file]].
4. Navigated to the location of where I stored my batch file ('''C:\proj''') and double-clicked it to execute.
5. When the bash prompt came up, I typed the following commands...
Navigated to the '''C:\proj''' folder. Logged in ('''anonymous''' is the password):
cvs login
Navigated to the '''C:\proj''' folder. Checked out the build script:
cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/client.mk
6. It created a directory called '''C:\proj\home\mozilla'''. I copied my .mozconfig file over to the '''C:\proj\home\mozilla''' folder.
7. Went back to the prompt and typed...
Navigated to the '''C:\proj\home\mozilla''' folder. Got the full source code:
make -f client.mk checkout
Built the code:
make -f client.mk build
8. Kept waiting for it to build (it took a couple of hours suprisingly). A [[User:Mdsouza/Assignment_01:_Build_the_Fox#Problems_And_Solutions|couple of bugs]] below came up, I checked my
[[User:Mdsouza/Assignment_01:_Build_the_Fox#Did_The_Boring_Stuff|resources]] and [http://www.google.com Google], fixed the problems and FINALLY finished it successfully!
==Problems And Solutions==
===Problem 1===
I originally did not have my enviromental variables correctly set up. So I got this error:
$ make -f client.mk build
Adding client.mk options from /cygdrive/c/proj/mozilla/.mozconfig:
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/proj/mozilla'
cd /cygdrive/c/proj/mozillafirefox-objdir
Adding configure options from /cygdrive/c/proj/mozilla/.mozconfig:
creating cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i686-pc-cygwin
checking target system type... i686-pc-cygwin
checking build system type... i686-pc-cygwin
checking for gawk... gawk
checking for nsinstall... no
checking for gcc... cl
checking whether the C compiler (cl ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
*** Fix above errors and then restart with "make -f client.mk build"
make[1]: *** [configure] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/proj/mozilla'
make: *** [/cygdrive/c/proj/mozillafirefox-objdir/Makefile] Error 2
I solved this problem so I went to the [http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mozilla_Build_FAQ#Win32-specific_questions Mozilla Build FAQ] and it told me to run vcvars32.bat, delete my config.cache file (in the mozilla or object directory) and then build again.
I tried this but it still failed. So then I created a batch file, included a call to setup several variables, and double-checked that all directories in the variables were correct. This fixed the problem.
===Problem 2===
The other problem was that even though I had 1GB of ram, and had a 1.5GB pagefile, it crashed my computer twice. The first time my page file reached from about 130mb (when I closed all the uncessary programs) to 909mb. The second time my page file reached 707mb and crashed. I got the following error to inform me about an hour into the build.
$ make -f client.mk build
8 [unknown (0x20EE0)] sed (134904) C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe: *** fatal error - C:\
cygwin\bin\sed.exe: *** CreateThread failed for sig - 0x0<0x0>, Win32 error 1450
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/sed: Resource temporarily unavailable
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/sed: Resource temporarily unavailable
make: execvp: /bin/sh.exe: Resource temporarily unavailable
make: execvp: /bin/sh.exe: Resource temporarily unavailable
client.mk:482: /.mozconfig.mk: No such file or directory
client.mk:483: /build/unix/modules.mk: No such file or directory
make: execvp: /bin/sh.exe: Resource temporarily unavailable
make: *** No rule to make target `/build/unix/modules.mk'. Stop.
I researched the problem, but no solutions helped. I then defragged my hard drive, rebooted, closed all the extra programs) ran the build and it worked (thankfully)!
===Batch File===
rem --- Set HOME so that cvs and ssh work correctly
rem --- cvs uses HOME to locate your .cvspass file, and ssh to locate your .ssh file
rem --- if you are using ssh, your HOME should match the home directory specified in /etc/passwd.
rem --- See http://www.cygwin.com/faq/faq0.html.
set HOME=C:\proj\home
rem --- CVS Setup
SET CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot
rem --- Setup the paths to the moztools build libraries
set MOZ_TOOLS=C:\proj\moztools
rem --- Scrub these variables first
SET PATH=C:\;C:\windows\system32;C:\windows\system32\wbem
rem --- Prepend cygwin
SET PATH=C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%
rem --- Setup VC7 compiler environment vars
CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat"
rem --- Add glib/libidl to build environment
rem --- moztools comes last after glib/libIDL
rem --- Typically the last thing the script does is launch a cygwin shell
rem --- watch for your ~/.profile and /etc/profile which may overwrite your carefully setup PATH!
bash --login -i
===.mozconfig File===
# Building Firefox Trunk with Debugging
. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig
# Put all obj files in one place, not in src tree
mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/firefox-objdir
ac_add_options --disable-static
ac_add_options --enable-shared
# Debug Build Setup Options
ac_add_options --disable-optimize
ac_add_options --enable-debug
# I'm using Canvas for my work
ac_add_options --enable-canvas
# I disabled the installer
ac_add_options --disable-installer
[[Image: Mdsouza_a1.gif]]
Like everyone who built firefox the first time, it is quite confusing, and needs a lot of patience to read all the documenation and fix the several bugs that one can encounter. This is the first time I did something as big as this, and this is also the first time I participated in an open source project (other than helping spread firefox).