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User:Dhhodgin/FSOSS 09

1,019 bytes added, 13:31, 7 November 2009
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== Creating a Twitter Widget using Processing.js ==
Having just recently switched my major project to work on processing.js I decided this was one presentation I could not miss out on. This talk was given by Al MacDonald who is a freelance web consultant. His website is []. Al began his talk with an introduction into what [ processing.js ] is. He explained that processing is a language for creating 2D and 3D graphics, animations, and interactive applications.<br />
[ Processing ] is a language that was built to be run and parsed on a native JAVA client. So processing 'sketches' would be created and then run on the JAVA client which would process them and create the graphics, animations, text, etc in a window. Then a man by the name of [ John Resig ] came into the picture and started work on creating a port of processing for JAVA to processing for JavaScript. The idea was to be able to allow those sketches of animations, graphics, and interactive apps to be able to be drawn in a web browser without any plugins or extensions to install. Simply put a way to animate and 'interactify' the web and allow processing creations to 'just work' in modern browsers for users.<br />
After a brief intro into what PJS was and how it got started Al got into some code samples and showed some real time examples of making some simple demos. He showed how easy it is to get started and do some really neat things and basic animations with just a few lines of code. Following some code samples and demos he showed how some of the different parts of processing.js work and some examples of contributions that some of the students in our course have made.<br />
== 3D in the Browser... More than just Doom ==
This presentation was given by [ Catherine Leung] who is a professor at Seneca College in the School of Computer Studies, where she teaches in the game development and programming areas. Cathy's talk was about a project she has been working on called [ C3DL]. C3DL is a JavaScript library that will provide a set of classes for rendering 3D objects in the browser. Currently it requires an up to date browser such as Firefox 3.5 in order to run. Canvas 3D is available as an add-on for Firefox 3.5 or higher and can be downloaded at []. Cathy demonstrated an application called Motionview which allows previewing of down sampled motion capture data in the browser by using the C3DL library. Motionview was developed through a partnership between [ The purpose of Motionview is to reduce the expensive cost of 'clean up' in motion capture animation scenes when sometimes certain points in the animation are wrongNavarra Group], [ Bedlam Games], [http://www.coredp. Because of the high cost of producing motion capture video this data is never sent out in a raw format over the webcom/ CORE], instead C3DL is used with a converted format of the raw motion data and it is displayed in Seneca College and was supported by the browser for artists to preview which shots they want to use and mark which shots to be cleaned up instead of everything[ This results in a huge cost savingsaspx Ontario Media Development Corporation].<br />Cathy moved on to show a few other demos such as particle systems and a 3D Google maps road view demo that could simulate turns in a route on Google maps.
Motion capture is a technology that uses a special suit with reflective balls attached to key movement points on the object you want to animate, usually a human. Cameras from multiple angles capture the location of the reflective balls as they move around and the computer processes the data from the different cameras to build a skeleton of the object. Sometimes the cameras get it wrong though and the model needs to be cleaned up and corrected. The purpose of Motionview is to reduce the expensive cost of 'clean up' in motion capture animation scenes when sometimes certain points in the animation are wrong. Because of the high cost of producing motion capture video this data is never sent out in a raw format over the web, instead the C3DL library is used with the application which reads a converted format of the raw motion data and displays it in the browser for artists to preview which shots they want to use and mark which shots to be cleaned up instead of everything. This results in a huge cost savings.<br /> Cathy moved on to show a few other demos such as particle systems and a 3D Google maps road view demo that could simulate turns in a route on Google maps. She also showed a really cool animation of some 3D panels that act as links to websites with logos orbiting around a c3dl logo which were clickable to visit the website. Once a panel had been clicked it would display a sepia effect to show it had been visited before.<br /> For more information on C3DL you can visit [ their website]. They have a [ section on tutorials] as well for installing the Canvas 3D addon, basic modeling, light effects, etc. Their development news can be found [ here].
I think this years FSOSS was a successful experience for me personally. I got a chance to speak to a few of the presenters and learn a good deal more about the projects they are working on. The ranking the bugs presentation was very informative in terms of statistics and it taught me a lot about writing quality bug reports to increase the chanes my bug would get fixed. The processing.js presentation had lots of information i I hadn't yet learned on the background of processing and processing for the web. It also had the best 'cool' factor of all the presentations in terms of spawning new ideas for features in web sites I design in the future. Cathys C3DL and Motionview presentation helped me draw the comparisons between processing for the web and C3DL and canvas in HTML5. Motionview is a really interesting piece of software and i've always had an interest in motion capture and CGI in movies and how its done. It was nice to connect a lot of the dots between all the presentations I got to see this year. ==Requirements== Your report must be '''2,500 words''' and include: * Summaries of two talks.** What was each talk about?** What was the speaker's main point?** What was the speaker's background and point of view?* Analysis of each speaker's views on ''open source''. He/she may not mention it explicitly. You must listen and try to understand based on what they are saying, and perhaps not saying.* Comparison of the points made by the presenters.** What can you say about open source in I think the light of the points they made?** Do the speakers have similar views of open source or do they disagree?** How so?* Conclusion about your views veiws on ''open source''** Does the picture of open source you've seen I saw presented at this years FSOSS were in these talks challenge or confirm your line with my own views about what open source is and how I perceive it as a community for free thought and also as potential place for profit off free software distribution if your business models suits it functions?.