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Assignment1 (mojo)

111 bytes added, 05:43, 20 September 2006
Problems on the way
Second problem was the Make version. I used the cygwin version, but reading from Liz's problems I found I needed to install 3.80 rather than using 3.81. That cleared it up.
Third problem was after the build worked I ran the program but it would load my current installed version of firefox I remember somebody talking about this on IRC, but I didn't pay attention. The important thing is somebody else had this issue which probably means my build worked. I tried running it as another user, right click Run As..., and a command prompt and window appeared, but I started to get lots of error prompts. This might have something to do with me changing make versions without removing the old objects. I was too lazy to start building again, so I kept hitting Ignore.  [[Image:error3.JPG]] Finally Minefield came up. [[Image:Finally minefield.JPG]] === My Build Screenshot === [[Image:Minefield.JPG]]

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