,no edit summary
= Hardware =
* Mobile equipment Memory and disk upgrades for older- other handsets or hardware generation PCs (?currently 4G/500G -> 8G/0.5+1T)* Status monitor screens within CDOT + One additional PC to run them(T1036 - DXR)* Additional monitors Better graphics cards for development the 8G/1T machines (dualmost are using the Intel internal graphics)* Better laser printer. ([http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=4773882&sku=B50-3134%20CA&srkey=hl-4040cdn Brother HL4040CDN Colour laser?])* LCD display for the T1042 meeting room, for demonstrations and discussions. (e.g., [http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4948126&CatId=3650 42" LCD) = Dissemination/Awareness/Branding = We have a large window space facing one of the TEL entrances. We should take advantage of this to share what we're doing with our local community. We should also more purposefully brand the CDOT space. * Window hangings/banners* Large screen monitor or TV* Large screenmonitor or TV in the SCS offices? (This could be one that displays a slideshow from a flash memory device) * Better CDOT signage** A plaque for each cubicle** A laminated sign for each PC (with changable details rewritable?) = Status Monitors = It would be useful to have monitors that continuously display the status of the CDOT systems in an interesting way (Processing.js?), including system availability (up/down), system load, disk status, and so forth. * 1-2 older PCs to run the displays* LCD displays* Memory Cabling and disk upgradessignal splitters
= Dissemination =
* Poster printing for poster sessions at end of year
= Travel =
* Student travel
** Processing conferences?