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Summer 2009 DPS911-OSD700 Weekly Schedule

4,104 bytes added, 10:21, 19 August 2009
Week 9 (July 6)
The course will not have regular classes. However, on Tuesdays and '''Wednesdays''', we will meet regularly via '''IRC channel #seneca-wtp'''. (As agreed on June 3, we will meet from '''10:00 to 11:00''', '''20:00 to 21:00'''.) Project deliverables and demonstrations will be done on a regular schedule. Students are responsible to sign-up for their demo slots.
Students' work will be scheduled here. (On a weekly basis, students have to update their wiki/blogs links.)
<li>Bug#: [ 251637]
<li>Description: download and install button doesn'Switch Location' button t work in Server properties page locks UI for a period of timecreate new server dialog</li>
<li>Demonstration of bug reproducing</li>
<li>Explaining plans to fix bug</li>
* Student Demos (Tues 10:00 - 11:30, Wed 10:00 - 11:30)
'''1. Khanh(Kevin) Vu'''<ul><li>Bug#: [ 236976]<ul><li>Description: UI for timeouts in server editor could be improved</li><li>Demonstration of bug reproducing<br /li><li>Explaining plans to fix bug</li> </ul></li></ul> '''2. Jiachang(Terry) Chen'''<br ul><li>Bug#: [ 245698]<ul>3<li>Description: New XML wizard creates optional but invalid attributes from schema. <br /li><li>Demonstration of bug reproducing</li><li>Explaining plans to fix bug</li> </ul></li></ul>
== Week 5 (June 8) ==
* Student Demos (Tues 10<b>Posting questions on newsgroups:00 - 11</b><ul><li>[http:30, Wed 10:00 // 11questions.html How to ask question the smart way]</li><li>[http:30)1// newcomer Eclipse Newcomer] newsgroup<br /li>2<li>[http://www. Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project] newgroup<br /li>3. <br /ul>
== Week 6 (June 15) ==
* Student Demos (Tues 10<b>Learning resources:</b><ul><li>[ Using The Eclipse Workbench] video tutorial</li><li>[ Using The Debugger] video tutorial</li><li>[ Eclipse and Java:00 Introducing Persistence] video tutorial</li><li></ul><b>Eclipse Plug- 11In Programming Model</b><ul><li>[http:30, Wed 10// Eclipse Plug-in]</li><li>[http:00 // Eclipse Plug- 11In Development - Tutorial]</li><li>[http:30// Eclipse Plug-In Development]</li></ul> == Week 7 (June 22)==<ul><li>Please update blogs & wikis</li><li>Subscribe your blogs to: [ Planet Eclipse]</li></ul><b>Eclipse WTP 3.1download</b><ul><li>[ Eclipse Platform (Platform, JDT)]</li><li>[ php?file=/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/2.5.0/R200906151043/ EMF v2.5 Runtime Minimum executable code]<br /li><li>[ EMF XSD v2.5 Runtime Minimum executable code]</li><li>[ Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)]</li><li>[ Data Tools Platform (DTP) (required only for EJB or JPT development)]<br /li><li>[ Web Tools Platform (wtp)]</li></ul> ==Week 8 - Study Week (June 29) =='''Reading week'''<br />Enjoy your reading week<br/> == Week 9 (July 6) ==<ul><li>Status Report</li><li>In Class Meeting to review progress</li><li>Room: #2107</li><li>Time: 10:00am</li></ul>
== Week 10 (July 13) ==
'''1. John Dang'''
<li>Bug#: [ 241429]
<li>Description: 'Switch Location' button in Server properties page locks UI for a period of time</li>
'''2. Jiachang(Terry) Chen'''
<li>Bug#: [ 245698]
<li>Description: New XML wizard creates optional but invalid attributes from schema.</li>
== Week 7 11 (June 22July 20) =='''Presentation'''<br/>'''1. Tommy Lo'''<ul><li>Bug#: [ 251637]<ul><li>Description: download and install button doesn't work in create new server dialog</li></ul></li></ul>'''1. Khanh(Kevin) Vu'''<ul><li>Bug#: [ 244862]<ul><li>Description: Closing the server project doesn't call stop server</li></ul></li></ul>
* Student Demos == Week 12 (Tues 10:00 - 11:30, Wed 10:00 - 11:30July 27)==1. '''BUG FIX COLLABORATIONS'''<br />2. <br />3Cross check bugs other team members are working on and provide feedback, suggestions, and solution. <br />
== Study Week 13 (June 29August 3) =='''FINAL Presentations'''<br/>Location: room #2093<br/>Time: 10:30a.m<br/>Be prepared to represent overalls of all your works<br/>
== Midterm Presentations Week 14 (exact date/time TBAAugust 10) ==