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Learning Collaborative Development Lab Fall 2008 Results

3,760 bytes added, 16:36, 12 June 2009
show time in
=Ubiquity commands= ==Introduction== These are the results for the [[DPS909]]/[[OSD600]] [[Learning Collaborative Development Lab Fall 2008|lab 1]]. Place any and all common results, code, notes here.
====Zenit Wiki Search====
I'll probably continue to work on it. Add some dynamic CSS to the preview div. <br />
I was successful at adding a preview. Check the link above for the updated version.
--[[User:Cbishop2|Cbishop2]] 01:05, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
// - map preview:
// add new function :_preViewMap()
// This would be nice to store the map in the buffer...
// But for now, it causes a problem with a large image showing up as the default
//CmdUtils.setLastResult( html );
// it displays only typing current area's map
// ex) Map-Directions Seneca <-- display seneca
// Map-Directions Seneca;New York <-- display New York
//Added some personal sites
//Rewrote preview messages
====Share a webpage on Facebook!====
This command allows a user to share a web page on Facebook. Although I couldn't get the preview to act the way I orginally had in mind I'm going to continue working on it in hopes of avoiding the pop-up window.
<br />
name: "share-fb:",
preview: function( pblock, wikiquery ) {
pblock.innerHTML = "Share this page on Facebook!";
author: {name: "Thomas Brown"},
execute: function() {"" + context.focusedWindow.document.location,"Share on Facebook","menubar=no,width=600,height=360,toolbar=no");
<br />
====Sherdog Fight Finder Search====
This command allows a user to search the Sherdog Fight Finder for a specific fighter. Currently only allows the first word to be the fighters first name and the second word to be the fighters last name.
<br />
name: "fight-finder",
author: {name:"Bartosz Barcicki", email:""},
description: "Searches the Sherdog Fight Finder",
takes: {"search-string": noun_arb_text},
preview: function(pblock, search) {
pblock.innerHTML = "Sherdog Fight Finder Search: " + search.text;
execute: function(search) {
var name = search.text.split(' ');
if (!name[1])
name[1] = "";
var url = "" + name[0] + "&lastname=" + name[1] + "&search=yes&nickname=&association=&weight=";
<br />
====Start a new page====
by [ Johann Manzano]:<br/>
I originally wanted to make it so that selected text would make it into the page created by this command but i couldn't figure it out. It'll be something I'll continue to look into when time permits. is an internet clipboard like pastebin but you can select the name that your clipboard gets. This command allows you to select the name of the page via ubiquity and it loads it for you. If you don't supply a name, it just takes you to the site.
[ original post here]
function cl1pPage( name ) {
var url = "" + name;
CmdUtils.CreateCommand ({
name: "cl1p",
takes: {"page name": noun_arb_text},
preview: function(pBlock, directObj) {
if (directObj.text)
pBlock.innerHTML = "goto" + directObj.text;
pBlock.innerHTML = "goto";
execute: function(directObj) {
var text = directObj.text
====show time in====
[ show-time-in] command by [[User: Jyoti | Jyoti]]
This command shows the current time in the place specified
name: "show time in",
author: {name:"jyoti", email: ""},
description:"It will show the current time in the place you specified.",
takes: {"name of a place" : noun_arb_text},
_time: function(term)
return ""+term;
preview: function(pblock,pname)
var msg="It will show the current time in "+ pname.text;
execute: function(pname)
if (pname.text=="")
displayMessage("enter name of the place whose current time u want to know");

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