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Revision as of 21:01, 31 March 2009

Root Name Server for the mini-Internet

  • One or more root name server
  • Each student run their own Primary Name server for their own domain

Main BIND configuration file on the root name server

Modify the default "." zone defination to:

zone "." IN {
       type master;
       file "zone.root"; 

The zone.root file should delegate each student's domain to their Primary Name server

$TTL    86400
@               IN SOA  localhost root.localhost (
                                       42              ; serial (d. adams)
                                       3H              ; refresh
                                       15M             ; retry
                                       1W              ; expiry
                                       1D )            ; minimum
                IN NS           lhost.
lhost           IN A  
pod1.com.       IN NS           ns.pod1.com.
ns.pod1.com.    IN A  
pod2.com.       IN NS           ns.pod2.com.
ns.pod2.com.    IN A  
pod3.com.       IN NS           ns.pod3.com.
ns.pod3.com.    IN A  
pod4.com.       IN NS           ns.pod4.com.
ns.pod4.com.    IN A  
pod5.com.       IN NS           ns.pod5.com.
ns.pod5.com.    IN A  
pod6.com.       IN NS           ns.pod6.com.
ns.pod6.com.    IN A  
pod7.com.       IN NS           ns.pod7.com.
ns.pod7.com.    IN A  
pod8.com.       IN NS           ns.pod8.com.
ns.pod8.com.    IN A  
pod8.com.       IN NS           sns.pod8.com.
sns.pod8.com.   IN A