<span style="background: #ffff00"> Edit this page ruthlessly! </span>
Protected "TOS Consortium Discussion": Moved to teachingopensource.org ([edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite))
<div style="background: #ff0; padding: 2em; border: 1px solid #f00">'''This is a historical page.'''<br />The group described by this page is forming at http://teachingopensource.org.<br />Please see http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/Archive:TOS_Consortium_Discussion for the archived version of this page.</div>
'''The Teaching Open Source track at FSOSS 2008 converged on the idea of a Consortium to further the discussion between Open Source Communities, Educational Institutions, and Businesses. This page is devoted to concrete planning for such a group.'''
Two primary goals for this group:
* To provide a place to work out Open Source educational models, support and funding schemes, community relationships, and other issues.
* To advocate for the changes that are necessary to further the goal of teaching Open Source.
== Roll Call ==
Teaching Open Source? Support the teaching of Open Source? Join the Coalition of the Willing: [[TOS: Roll Call]]
== E-mail List ==
* Application of projects to Google Summer of Code (GSOC) requires additional tasks that need work
* Profiling of projects
* Creation of "safe plpacesplaces" where flames are low - newbie lists
* Welcome forums for things other than code
* Colleges vs. universities == teaching vs. research
* Focus on campuses not in the value network of proprietary software companies
=== Proposed Initiatives ===
* Create a peer-reviewed Journal of open source development
* Encourage universities to view Code Development as Research and Open Source as Peer-Reviewed Publication
* Create a [[TOS: Taxonomy|taxonomy of Open Source educational levels]]