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Colour Management Tests

5,431 bytes added, 16:32, 8 December 2008
Project Leader(s)
== Project Description ==
Write reftests to compare images in order to deal with floating point tolerance. This includes dealing with things like Monitor Profiles, profiles in JPEG (i.e., JPEGs get changed based on colour profile info). See discussion of colour profiles in Firefox 3 here. It would be useful to be able to compare to PNGs with a reftest, perhaps creating an image diff tool, where pixels outside a floating point tolerance (> 0.n) would somehow be highlighted so you can see what is different. Little CMS (lcms) needs test coverage too. Done.
This will require some graphics and image knowledge (i.e., Photoshop, what colour is on a computer, etc).
== Project Leader(s) ==
[[user:Evmarbella|Ezadkiel Villarico Marbella]]
[ Project Blog] Up-To-Date Information
[ Colour Profile Reftest 0.1] Gained basic knowledge of reftesting with colour profiles
== Project Leader(s) ==[ Colour Profile Reftest 0.2] Created tests and filed bugs
[[userhttp:Evmarbella|Ezadkiel Villarico Marbella]// Colour Profile Reftest 0.3]Research on tracking down bug and test manifests
== Project Contributor(s) ==
NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You '''can’t''' add your own name to the Contributor list.
If anything is unclear feel free to edit the instructions or msg me on IRC or email me.
Instruction <br />
notes from: <br /> <br /> <br />
1 <br />
Have a build of firefox on the linux with <br />
ac_add_options --enable-tests <br />
on the mozconfig <br />
2 <br />
download the reftest <br />
[ contrib-failedtest] <br />
unzip it in your home folder.<br />
open terminal<br />
and <br />
cd ~/pngsuite-colorprofiles-failedtest<br />
run the reftest <br />
~/pngsuite-colorprofiles$ ~/src/obj*/dist/bin/firefox --no-remote -reftest -P testfirefox1(replace with test Profile) ./failedPixelTestAdobe1998.list | grep REFTEST > failedPixeltestAdobe1998output(insert Linux OS).txt
3<br />
open the failedPixelAdobe1998output*.txt<br />
Outcome:<br />
It should failed and it should have <br />
the URI data of the tested pixels/images.<br />
see <br />
'fail line output' <br /> <br />
Upload the text file on the zenit wiki <br />
(failedPixeltestAdobe1998output(insert Linux OS).txt ) <br />
Please include your Processor/OS information. <br />
ex. <br />
Processor Speed and Brand..., <br />
Version of Linux. <br />
and add your name on the contributions. <br />
'''Please post your test results here:'''
{| border="1"
! Date
! IRC Nick
! Platform
! Firefox Version
! Processor
! Result
| 19-Oct-2008
| ezadkiel
| Ubuntu Release 8.04(hardy) Kernel Linux 2.6.24-19-generic GNOME 2.22.3
| Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081019 Minefield/3.1b2pre
| Intel Core 2 CPU T7400 @ 2.16 GHz
| it passed [ test-result]
== Project Details ==
Provides more depth than [ REFTEST READ ME] 0.1 ReleaseIsolated Failed test.[ failedtests0.1] '''TechNote001:'''Reftest framework contains image rendering reftests in module/libpr0n/test/reftestinside the mozilla source. '''Technote002:'''about:config and set gfx.color_management.mode to <br />‘0′ for no color management,<br />‘1′ for full color management, and <br />‘2′ (the Project Descriptiondefault) for tagged(with ICC)-only correction<br /> '''Technote003:'''What are ways to embed colour profiles into images?Photoshop does it. This Preview in Mac OSX does it which meansyou can use Automator to apply profiles on multiple images '''Technote005:''' reftest can compare images now output is sRGB if the place reftest fails '''Technote007:''' Use URI scheme for technical discussionsreftest [ DATA URI Scheme Wiki]  '''Techtool002:'''<br /> [ URI kitchen] [ URI Encoder] simple to complex > back to simple   bug 459617 details - first figure out the exact pixel that's different - then add some conditional code in cmsDoTransform that checks for that pixel, project specsprints it on input, and prints the transformed pixel -and see if you can confirm that the issue is within LCMS, or other details. If this gets very long, whether it's actually somewhere else -if it's an LCMS issue if you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages can get the lcms code to say that it's outputting different pixels on different platforms for the same input pixel and linking to them.transform
== Project News ==
This is where your regular - Sept 19/08 made some builds with --enabled-tests learning how to make [ reftests]. reading over notes etc. - Sept 20/08 made more updates will goto notes and project page. - Sept 22/08 Got a response from an email... In one step closer to putting these you should discuss pieces together. Got some Goals...and Focus. - Sept 26/08 Been testing thing for the past few days...trying to get the tests right. - Sept 28/08 I think I got the tests right.Profiles [[]] - Oct 3/08 Reading on colours LAB vs RGB vs CMYK Has a conclusion on [ the ubuntu] Update the test [ updated tests] - Oct 11/08 spent time isolating 2 pixels that were failing on the reftests in Ubuntutested to see if the status or your work, your interactions suspected pixels were failing...yes they still fail. [ other members of -profiles.html Pixels In Isolation] simplified reftest to show failing pixel and reftest differences in GIMP - Oct 12/08 filed a bug[ bug#459617] trying to narrow it down. - Oct 19/08 how to test in different configurations. - Nov 9/08 updating the community ('s too [ big] - Nov 24/08learning about hg queuesadding and importing folders and files patches.looking at [ bug] comments particularly:Yay, Seneca and Mozilla)reftests! A few tiny drive-by nits: "pngsuite" is actually an official PNG test suite, problems you have encounteredso these should go under adifferent name. Say, etcmodules/libpr0n/test/reftest/png/color-profile/.
Put detailed technical information into the Project Details page (i.eA single reftest.list manifest is fine, update no need to break it as you go)into small chunks.The readme could just be distilled down into plain test, and save this section for news about participation in rolled into the projectmanifest as brief comments.

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