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6,253 bytes added, 15:47, 8 December 2008
Milestone 0.3 (Audio / Video HTML5 Unit Tests)
= Private Browsing Tests (and Video/Audio HTML5) =
* Project assigned to [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]]
== An Introduction ==
=== What to expect for 0.3 release? ===
* I plan to have a unit test complete for the testing area involved with session storage. This will be submitted to Ehsan as well.
** I hope to have around 5-6 tests written for audio/video
*** test_readonly.html
*** test_mimetypes.html
*** test_continueplay.html
*** test_reload.html
*** test_tableembed.html
*** test_multipleplayback.html
* I will be working on <audio> and <video> tag testing
[ Private Browsing Patch has Landed!]
=== Milestone 0.3 (Audio / Video HTML5 Unit Tests) ===
<font color="green">'''My HTML5 Audio / Video Unit Test(s) - Complete'''</font>
{| border="1"
!Video/Audio Testing Area
!Video/Audio Unit Test (My Work)
| [ Video and Audio Test Plan]
| [ test_readonly.html] & [ test_continueplay.html] & [ test_multipleplayback] & [ test_reload.html] [ file.html] & [ test_mimetype.html] & [ test_tableembed.html] & [ seek.ogg]& [ 320x240.ogg] [ r11025_s16_c1.wav] & [ r11025_u8_c1.wav]
'''These are mochitests, which must be ran using 'python' in obj/_tests/testing/content/media/video/test''' - you will see nothing if you just click on them (otherwise you can hit Ctrl-U to view source on them)
Package Archive: [ click here]
*'''My Video/Audio Tests''':
** test_readonly - '''tests that attributes pertaining to video/audio can not be changed or altered'''
** test_reload / file - '''tests that both a reload of a window and video work correctly, i.e., playback restarts'''
** test_multipleplayback - '''tests that six or more videos work properly when played simultaneously, playback works'''
** test_tableembed - '''tests that the new video element functions correctly when embedded in a table'''
** test_mimetype - '''a future test that will test canPlayType() [upon implementation] testing obscure codecs and media MIMETYPES'''
** test_continuePlay - '''tests that playback on a video will continue to play regardless if focus is in a newly opened tab'''
'''E-Mail convesations with Clint Talbert(Example)'''
==== What I learned? ====
* October / November
** Audio / Video HTML5 WHATWG Elements
** Mochitests - What/Why/How
** Chrome Elevation Techniques for Mochitests
** Observers/EventListeners
With the completion of milestone 0.3, I have learned so much from one course over the course of four months that I am tremendously appreciative of. Coming into Mozilla, I had only touched on Unit Tests once in my programming diploma program. Now I feel comfortable in writing any test.
==== Community Interaction ====
Unlike in Milestone 0.3, this time around I primarily interacted through #qa and through conversation in email.
*'''(1) Primarily''': Tremendous aid, assistance and conversations with [ Clint Talbert]
*'''(2) Secondary''': IRC #qa
*'''(3) Thirdly''':
==== Challenges ====
Major challenges:
*'''(1)''' Halting focus on Private Browsing and leaping into Audio Visual / HTML5 provided was for me challenging as I had felt comfortable in the area I was originally focusing on.
*'''(2)''' Seeking assistance from those working on Audio Visual / HTML5 aspects rather than those working on Private Browsing
*'''(3)''' <u>Much</u> quieter bug on Bugzilla - a challenge seeing what's new/what's happening.
*'''(4)''' Mochitest Chrome Privilege Elevation -> Netscape thing!
*'''(5)''' Picking unit tests that I felt comfortable in persuing.
== Quick Project Notes ==
* [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]]
== Project Contributor(s) ==
===Private Browsing contributions===
'''Area's where you could contribute to my project'''
===HTML5 <video> and <audio> contributions===
*[[User:jtarka|Jason Tarka]]
**''Testing the video website n Minefield 3.1b2pre on Windows XP, I've noticed one main oddity: When opening multiple tabs worth of videos, occasionally when you move the mouse cursor over the video, or click the Play button, the tab will suddenly pop into its own new window, fully loaded. The video, however, still has to be clicked again to play. The tab no longer exists in the old window.''
*** Linux Fedora Core 10 & Firefox 3.1b2pre
*[[User:Crulshorukh|Sid Kalra]]
**''Testing the video website on Firefox 3.1b1pre on Ubuntu. I've noticed that if I have many tabs open at once and if videos are running at the same time the pop up play tab (in grey) that appears when you mouse over the bottom of the video area comes to a crawl. I ran this on a virtual machine and thus I'm not giving the OS a lot of resources which means it is simulating a slow machine. The Grey area lagged a lot onMouseOver, almost every time it took forever to show up.
*** Linux Ubuntu & Firefox 3.1b1pre
*[[User:Nadavers|Nino D'Aversa]]
**''I tried this out, only thing I could get to act funny was text selecting the time stamp (since its just text in html). I got an assert when I tired that, otherwise things seemed to work fine''
***''Testing with OSX & Firefox 3.1b2pre
== Project Details ==
* [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]] 03:47, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
** 0.3 Complete
* Week of the 23rd
** <strike>Continue work on first cases of the <audio> and <video> tags ['''readonly'''] attributes and <source> element unit tests. </strike>
* Weekend 15th-16th
** <strike>Select a scope of an area to which I can focus on <audio> and <video> tags for Firefox 3.1</strike>
* [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]] 03:48, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
** 0.3 Complete!
* [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]] 17:25, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
** Initial work on small tests whose functionality is not yet implemented
* [[User:AaronMT|AaronMT]] 17:26, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
** Working on the '''readonly''' attribute and <source> tag element unit tests.
*[ Build:TryServer (Mozilla)]
*[ Tinderbox:Tree(MozillaTry) (Mozilla)]
* [ XPCShell Based Unit Tests]*[ Firefox Audio Video Test Plan]
''Non-Related to project''