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Real World Mozilla First XPCOM Component

71 bytes added, 13:25, 18 November 2008
= Writing FirstXpcom =
For this walkthrough we will use the Mozilla build system to create our component. It is also possible to us use the '''Gecko SDK''' ([ instructions are here]). NOTE: this assumes that you have already done a successful objdir-Firefox build.
== Creating Directories ==
=== nsISupports ===
[ nsISupports] is the base interface for all XPCOM components (i.e., it is possible to pass any XPCOM component around as an nsISupports object). The [ methods] in nsISupports define basic bookkeeping for an interface's lifetime (they also defines define a way to check at runtime if a component implements a given interface, but more on that later).
Components need to keep track of how many clients hold references to them via an interface. This is known as '''reference counting''' on an interface, and it is used to determine when a component can be safely unloaded so that it doesn't leak (i.e., no one holds a reference any more, but the interface is still in memory).
[scriptable, uuid(78af1749-014a-47aa-baec-2669670b7601)]
More information about generating UUIDs in different forms is available [ here].
=== Attributes and Methods ===
Now [ write a define ] to make it easier to pass this Class ID aroundin C++: