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User talk:Kwpark1

670 bytes added, 17:45, 19 September 2008
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== Lab 3: Mozilla Build ==
[ Build Firefox on Windows XP Service pack23]
== Result ==
Mozilla uses an embedded version of SQLite extensively to store data such as bookmarks, history, etc. To insure that it runs properly within Mozilla, it would be good to add the entire sqlite test suite to Mozilla's tests, so that testing == Checking before install ==This is the browser also means testing sqlite. The sqlite test suite is written in TCL and needs to be ported to JavaScriptprerequisites [http://developer. Some work has already been done, but more is required to get full test checking]
== Prerequisites ==My Laptop's setting* H/W** CPU: Genuine Intel CPU T2250 @ 1.73GHz** RAM: 512M (512M X 2)** HDD: 30G free of 90G* S/W** Windows XP Pro. SP3** Microsoft Visual Studio 2005** .NET Framework 2.0** Microsoft Windows SDK(s) ** MozillaBuild
== Process ==I did the easiest way of [ Park, KiWonMozilla_Source_Code_(Mercurial) Mozilla Source Code via Mercurial]
* Run batch file <pre>C:\mozilla-build\start-msvc8.bat</pre>* Install [ Autoconf]* Get the mozilla source code <pre>hg clone src</pre>* Change current dir to src <pre>cd src</pre>* Configuration <pre>echo 'ac_add_options --enable-application=browser' > .mozconfig </pre><pre>echo 'mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT= Process ==browser' >> .mozconfig</pre>* Bulid (need around 1Hr) <pre>make -f build</pre>* Run firefox <pre>dist/bin/firefox -no-remote -profilemanager</pre>
<b>Sept 16, 2008</b> Created

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